zoomzoom another fast week for me. think days are gonna fly by every week unknowingly. its like so busy until you actually wont really know how much time has actually passed.and april is coming soon already! oh my, slowly inching towards A levels, NS,PW,career etc etc. lol im so forward looking. insert thumbs up here :D
so yeap, i have gotten back all my MSA results. yay 3 borderline As (: but i still cant compete with the other peeps in my class i think, cos this is just one simple test with few topics. think the rest would soon catch up. then i have to work darn hard just to keep up with them. and awh man, i failed my gp. really didnt expect it, i thought i would instead fail physics and pass gp lol. but i hope i will do well in physics ba, am really interested, just that no talent in it :X ah think mr wee would whack me for saying this lol, no such thing as no talent, is must keep practicing, 'physics is a doing subject' .
topics are also slowly getting harder. like for chem, one whole topic just on gases. its like theres so much thing to gases in A levels, as compared to O levels where you only need to know 1 mol of gas occupies 24 dm cube.i heard organic chemistry is rather tough too, oh well lets see how it goes.
didnt go back to np on friday cos didnt want to pon guitar. really wanna try achieve 80% attendance. but of course, saturday i went down for national event. it was ok la, i mean like, the sec4s wont really organise anymore events already. so i followed RV out for their race, and can they run. the desire to win in them is really strong. and i also noticed that RVNP doesnt change their np shirts. but their shirt is nice though, although i think the one my batch did can pwn theirs :D i mean seriously, i think our np shirt was the nicest in like EVER lol. just kidding, but thats my personal opinion. so anyway cos i was slower than them by like 1 or 2 trains, i joined them at clark quay. proceeded on to botanic gardens,chinese garden. so i was in a way super shagged after reaching school, cos they ran for 3/4 of the journey back to nanhua ._. saw keelun and eddied on the way back.also like interacted with like xiuwen, enci and yuhan since jerald was busy looking after the group and they sorta alienated themselves from the group -.- realised arthur kok and mr teoh and mr wee are more or less still the same lol.
One still throwing markers into the bin a bit too often.
One throwing words of great glness to the student.
One still telling jokes every so often, but yet equally cold.
Good times though :O.
and yeah, in the end my group got 1st. like YEAH. 4 years in NP and i havent gotten any pole positions before in any race or event lol.debrief and then the sec3s had mini discussions. lotsa wild ideas, which is really cool man, hopefully their batch would be able to take nhnp to a whole new level.
went home, bathed and then left after about an hour or so for bugis for HO/CI dinner. yeah man im not the latest although i was like 15mins late. ate some steamboat which costs 21 bucks $_$ but it was a buffet though, like all you can eat yum yum. eating with sunny is just a whole new experience man, he just knows how to like manipulate food and think of weird stuff that even i dont know. then went to raffles city to discuss postings. my first time doing these sort of stuff and man is it a headache. actually wanted to type much more, but aye just dont feel like it.
and this is also my first post on my new laptop :D 2.4 GHz processor phooooo. ok maybe its not the best but at least its much better than my old com's one. but the sad thing is that it sorta feels hot fast, which im not really comfortable with. maybe taking a fan to fan it would work :X and i also bought a funky green mouse. oh yeah i think my mouse is damn cool lol.
SA's fine so far. my class is really getting more bonded together i suppose, since its getting noisier. grats to them man. oh yeah i also did my napfa test this week, and obviously i failed my napfa due to my pullups. my 2.4 also deproved to like 11.o4 as compared to my sec4's 9.46. nanhua's 2.4 seems to be real shorter o.o and they're having a class chalet during the june holidays, and the chairman said its probably during the mid june. HAHA then i have a reason to miss it (: submitted my cibtc form already. then theres this guy in my class, its not that i hate him but to me he's really annoying. especially his voice. i dont know, but it just irritates me LOL.
was bored so i went to play around with my old friendster account. then i saw one of my primary school friend's photos and it really set me thinking. i really miss all my good ol' friends from nanhua and some(which i still remember) from my primary school. I just feel happy when i say just a 'hi' or just like see them from afar or photos. its good that most if not everyones fine (:
ahhh, pw is really really coming already with PI needed to be submitted by late april i think. lets see what i can do. sorry if i have my usual mass typos (:
booooo ):