yes yes, holiday round up!
to sidetrack a bit, i came across a file with a very old msn convo between my friends which was sent to me way back, and i cant help but laugh. some people are just really damn funny AND anticlimax. maybe yuxuan and sally will know what im talking about. dang why did i sleep so early during my secondary school years, wouldnt have missed out so much high school fun ): to all my juniors out there, treasure your secondary school years man. ok this is starting to make no sense.
ANYWAY, this week has been filled with catching up with old friends. studied at kap, lan, nearly went kbox (wowzers), shopped for friend's friend's birthday present, mini squad outing and did a little window shopping for my counsins wedding which is coming up real soon. i found this zara shirt which costs like only $39.90, was damn tempted to buy just for fun. furthermore the cutting was rather nice. its hard to find $39.90 stuff in zara ok, or so i think. then theres this sweater i wanted to get from armani exchange, well it LOOKED cheap but it turned out to be $300+. D: then theres this BIG BIG ARMARNI EXCHANGE word at the back of the sleeves. its like im paying so much to promote their brand >:0
but theres this sweater i wanna get from a blogshop, but im not sure whether it'll fit me, considering theres no refund whatsoever. and im really scared to buy things online, im those type of people who must SEE the thing then will dare to buy. oh ya and i ordered a laptop too, would be arriving this coming saturday. so i'll have audio once again! after 2 years and 5 months approximately. then i can watch all those videos that i watcehd previously all over again but with audio :D its the laptop which was sponsored by MOE, all students get it for a cheaper rate, and the specs are like too good for a laptop of that price.
so how much work have i dont during the holidays. honestly, i didnt really do much cos i was really given very little homework, which scares me because other schools seem to have like truck loads of homework. i even did as ahead as i possibly could, those which were already thought, and i realised there was only one chemistry tutorial o.o neeed.....more.....work.... well, at least it keeps me occupied in school. im also finding like some books to read for my leisure, but im trying to find those non-fictional ones, can improve my wisdom :D
so as we all already know, school's starting tomorrow, which is good! you know, the earlier we start school, the earlier it'll end (: but that means im receiving my MSA papers back. i hope i can nail at least like 2 or 3 As though its pretty impossible. june's coming too, june course is from 8-27th june. best thing is, school reopens on the 29th lol. which means i have one day left after the couse to revise EVERYTHING for mid years. good luck o.o hopefully mid years would be before the june holidays.
also heard that the nanhua system has changed like drastically. ok maybe not a major change, but having miss yeo as your discipline mistress is just "_£(%*"£(%& lol. i thought j.lim would be selected to replace b.lim, but i heard jesselim has become much softer. thats amazing o.o but b.lim was a really great discipline mistress la, she managed to keep the school under control without making the school cohort hate her. she deserves a thumbs up :D
new term, all the best to everyone then >:0 next long holidays are 3 months away. phooooo~~~
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