No offence to all my science teachers, but i rather trade my D7 chinese for any of the sciences, if possbile physics where i got a B3. i dont even mind having a C6 for both.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Sunday, February 22, 2009

oh yeah, another week over :D
week full of lectures and stuff, except thursday that is, where i had only like civis and no other lesson. so had to hang around in school till 1 before leaving the school.
so i learnt more about my lecturers and stuff. the one particular lecture i really enjoyed and which i think i will enjoy in future is GP lol. serious. cos thats the most fun lecture other than physics la. but its way better that physics cos i realised for his whole 1.5 hour lecture i was awake. but of course there are other stuffs which i cant post on the web, cos hes not THAT amazing. he has his own 'flaws' as well. but i dont mind having ak as my gp teacher :D i know youre reading this mr kok >D
also realised my school has a wii corner, but it only has wii sports, so dont think it'll be of much fun i guess.
another highlight is i got a guitar! went to peninnsular plaza with chowler and my parents to get one. chowler got an acoustic one while i bought a standard classical, cos since i joined guitar, i should get one thats suitable for playing in the ensemble.
then friday had a guitar camp which was supposed to be 3 days 2 nights but i skipped on the 2nd day cos i wanted to go for 404 dinner :D well, 404 dinner is considered a 'personal commitment' right? but the camp was real fun la actually. i like the guitar people, think i'll make great friends in the cca, maybe better than my classmates. but by going for the camp, an oppurtunity cost was incurred and i missed np on friday :( i think many stuff happened just by me skipping one parade, cos coincidentally they had a mini squad dinner and i missed it D: boohoo.
but the camps good. it was a my first leisure camp in my life (zomg no life!), malaysia camp's not counted since its considered to be a LEADERSHIP TRAINING camp. nothing major happened actually, but the people made it fun. theres this other guy whos from xinmin np, but nah, hes not a ci.had some guitar training lessons, and i finally know how to play a piece! but i was in the bass section la, so if i play it at home it sounds quite senseless. then during the night can play basketball during the 'group discussion' time. cos all the j2s had to practice for syf then the J1s had to plan some skit for finale. chowler timotheus and i just grabbed a ball and started playing. then slowly almost all the guys were playing. play in uniform somemore man. sa uniform not PE-friendly, it feels really wet after playing.
also had some other ice breaking games, but the main games were at 3 on the 2nd day, and i left at 3 on chowlers car :D but i left my shoebag with my slippers in his car and i had no slippers to go out. so i was imprisoned at home for the weekend. and hopefully he'll be kind enough to return them to me tomorrow. oh yeah and everyone brought sleeping bags for the camp except me. ok maybe not everyone but all the guys did. didnt really think there was a need to anyway. np annual camps have trained me to sleep in tents and on classroom floor :D
all in all, guitar's cool. at least for me it is.but its on wednesdays and fridays la, and im trying to achieve 80% attendance for guitar. so i can only go down for np for 20% of the year D:oh yeah and guitar's having a japan trip in the june holidays too, but i'll be skipping it i guess, though its my 2nd time wasting a chance to go japan ):
ohkay so after leaving on saturday, chowler's dad dropped me off at king albert park's macdonals and i took 184 home. rushed home and bathed then headed for class dinner! they were playing pool before that la and i had to miss it too :( so we decided to head down to imm for ajisen. didnt feel like burning my pocket so i went to subway to eat while the rest headed for ajisen. but alice shimin kjw and nich joined me, but of course they didnt eat la, then went to ajisen to find the rest. then we headed to this open space on top to play orientation games and took some photos too. security dude chased us off cos the place was supposedly closing, but i guess it only applies for youngsters gathered in one bunch cos a whole group of kids and parents were still at the playground.
its always good to meetup with old friends, though you also know that slowly but surely, everyone will grow distant and we'll all soon forget about each other. but its good to gather while the memories are still fresh, so lets have more 404'08/205'06/nhnp 05-08 outings :D anyone care to organise?
Sunday, February 15, 2009

what a week filled with revision >_>
so the lectures started and the urge to be lazy surged through me once again, skipping revision and all that. so all the lectures were held in this extremely big auditorium called the cultural centre or cc for short, at least for me that is.
econs was really wow, every now and then i flip through the notes, i sometimes wonder why people actually WANT to study all these stuff. cos i realised during the econs lecture, half the time we have to assume stuff. for example under the PPC graph, we gotta assume that one country only produces 2 types of exports like food and clothing. then i think again, is that possible? like quite dumb leh o.o i mean there are still other ways a counrty earns money la, like investments,entertainment, tourism etc etc. weird.
physics was ok, just that i was stunned at measurement. like i didnt know errors like the zero errors were so chim. still got what systematic or random error.the physics lecturer sorta reminded me of mr wee. the teaching style is pretty much the same, but to entertain the class, this lecturer niaos students la. and also other subjects. mr wee more or less makes jokes out of the topics.but i still prefer mr wee :D went back to school last friday and last last friday and still didnt get a chance to see him.and also mdm yong D: so i think physics would be pretty tough ba, the lecturer also said that kinematics would be difficult, i wonder how difficult it'll be.
math was bullshit lol. just revision on sets and all those. easy peasy :D but then again i learnt that the week before march holidays i have a math test which tests on ALL the topics that came out for o levels. woo plz. hope it'll be easy as the a math during o levels.and i still use mr teoh's math notes :D bagus notes. notes from heaven passed down to us. i mean its not that the jc notes are lousy la, maybe because im more used to mr teoh's one. cos mr teoh's one is use like different types of questions from the same topic to allow us to understand.
next is gp! i think the gp compre is quite okay, i should be able to handle.should be. but the compo is omgwtf difficult. like how do i write a 500 word expository/argumentative. die man. gotta read more newspaper and magazines too :(
the cohort also got sorted into classes. im in 09S06, same as 3 other nanhuarians, all girls and whom i dont usually talk to since they're not in my class.also got to know my form teacher, whos in charge of my class's chem and pw. wont say much about her, just that a lot of guys were snatching the job for chem rep. subtle hints. i volunteered to be the treasurer, actually wanted to be class chairman but i was too shy to volunteer :( so theres something in my testimonial now. yeah class has no foreigners too, apart from the 2-3 indonesians. 10 girls and 16 guys. the guys are a rowdy bunch too, i scared i cant fit in to them, cos ever since i entered sa i gotta say i defintely quietened down a fair bit.then dono why, the whole bunch of guys seem to already know each other.i've becomed a pariah once again phooooo~~. come to think of it, i realised i dont have enough pictures of my og mates unlike so many other people, what a shame :X and i havent taken a single picture in my smecksaye sa uniform. boo to that.
i signed up for guitar for cca too.i skipped the orientation for np last friday, but i learnt that in order for your attendance to be keyed in, you have to at least attend for 80% of the practices, which are on wednesdays and fridays. lets say i skip all the practices on fridays for np, this leaves me with only 50%. still considering whether or not to join interact club, cos its only once a week on wednesdays for only 2 hours. at least i'll have 100% attendance. gotta discuss with the guitar teacher first, maybe exceptions can be made. plan to make np an external cca too, if possible. need discuss with the HOD of ccas too. how inconvenient >:0 which brings me to the point, I WILL GO FOR CIBTC J'09. send me to another school man, i say bring it on >:0 ok just kidding. im gambling with possibility here.
im a saint now, HE will help me :P
Sunday, February 08, 2009

so on friday took the usual 6.30+ train adn met the rest at outram and then took the nel to potong pasir. theres this shelter that i have to walk through everyday, which 'is proudly opened by chiam see tong'. the usual morning scripture reading and prayer thingy before we headed off for 2 hours of mass dance. yeah my favourite part of the whole OC. then left at about 1.30 to go back np. but i got lost at the saint andrews village and then reached the bus stop around half an hour later. the bus stop is just outside the village mind you. i was supposed to walk from the jc to the secondary school to the kindergarten but i think i got lost in the secondary school. so bused back to nh within 35 mins. zoomzoom fast. met up with ying and nich in the np room. new ac pe shirt not nice :( but better quality. ac still better than sa D:
so hung around until 4.45 before heading off to sa once again. took around 45mins this time because i took the train nad reached around 5.50+, just in time for my campfire. but it rained, so the campfire was cancelled and contingency plan was activated. wore my sash and armband thingy for my 'kingdom identity' thing. in case for those who dont understand what it is, its kingdom is supposed to come up with an identity to wear so as to showcase each kingdoms speciality. the ball ball kingdom peeps were wearing hairbands with balls attached and thepirate kingdom were wearing pirate vests made from rubbish bags. so danced and cheered, then all the nanhua sa peeps pangseh their OG dinner and we went to chinatown for our own nanhua mini gathering, though not all nahuarians were there.
am glad to see the nanhuarians in sa slowly enjoying themselves in sa, and i have to say including myself. like i said, sa is a good school. note the underlined, try guess the idea im putting across (: everyone had great fun in finale, but i think among all of us jacksan is having the most fun lol. its like i see him in his OG like perma laughing/smiling one. some of us already blend in to the sa surroundings/culture already lol. come to think of it, did i mention theres this nanhua girl in sa whom i've never seen before for 4 years. how amazing is that o.o
anyway its just the start of the year and i think its qutie a difficult start for me already. i dropped chinese, knowing that i'll have a confirmed D in my a level cert already. i told myself to work really hard for econs and physics, especially physics. mr wee told me last time that he hoped that i'll at least get an A2 durings Os but i got a B3.sigh i'll try my very best to get an A now, its not going to be easy. im also considering taking H3 physics or chem next year, so i have to work triple-y hard. then again, i have to take up a cca on wednesday. i wanna take up something light but im not sure what i want. photographic society then i'll be alone. if i take up guitar, i think there'll be auditions cos its SYF year if im not wrong.furthermore, they only play classical, and i really want acoustic ):
another factor is i gotta consider is whether it'll eat up my time on friday, preventing me from going back to parades.on the point of my june course, i now have even more problems. kent ridge has brought up the issue that they're in the need of CIs, so even after completing CIBTC i stand a very high chance of getting posted there. gargh i dont want to make the wrong choice. but i think im ok being stuck with being just a senior nco.i suppose. ahhhh i dont know.
now all i want to do is, get my uniform, get a new pair of shoes and buy mroe clothes :D that'll leave me with like 5 pairs of shoes lololol.i wanna revise my lecture notes too,
but i forgot to buy them on friday ._.
Wednesday, February 04, 2009

woo plz 300th post. unlike other people set up for a few months then like 500+ post already.
so today wasnt that bad, partly because its amazing race. as predicted half the time was lost to the travelling time so the day zoomed past rather fast. time management was badly done by the councillors, boo to that. debrief to them would be very long >:0 but i think their oc so far quite good ba, at least they got quite a lot of buffer time. just that i've been dismissed late everyday.
so im sure already. the only reason why i wanna get out of sa isnt because sa is a bad place. its a really good place, really. just that the people in my batch are really ._. J1 sajc-ians reading this, sorry, but this is how i is wednesday already, sorta gave up hope on the ac appeal thing.oh well.
still dont know what cca to join. no one wants to join photographic society with me :( kjw got scouted by some njc peeps for basketball i think, and i wanna try basketball too. but im not sure whether i can tahan 3 trainings a week.also, i htink the centre positions already taken up la, so means only left pointguard and forward :( i also wanna go back np every week. currently my ogl who takes pcme said his classes ended at 2 for him on fridays when he was J1, so i can zoom back to nanhua just in time. but im also considering band and council lol. equally attractive :D and i decided to drop chinese, though it'll look bad in my a level cert.
so tomorrow theres going to be this J1 meet J2 thing, wooo going to my ogl class.samuels in his class too, maybe we'll talk about everything. from sajc to nhhs, from basketball to basketball in sajc, from the old times to........yuxuan? LOL. cos met up with him today and had a little short convo with him and chowler.
89% going to pon finale/campfire of OC to go back np. see i so wei da (: no la just wanna finish this oc thing and get into classes asap. i miss my fellow nanhuarians. teachers, 404ers, 205ers, juniors and ..... the cheap canteen food.
Monday, February 02, 2009
i am not in a mood to find any picture for this post.
am extremely disappointed with sa.VERY the extreme.
firstly, i heard they arranged og groups according to birthdays? ._____. ok thats rather ok, BUT BUT I AM THE ONLY SINGAPOREAN BOY IN MY GROUP.WHAT.THE.EFF. its like being in changi airport. 4 china scholars, 4-5vietnamese who keep blabbering to each other in their own language, 1 brazilian who also got outcasted. so obviously they were in their cliques la, and i tried to be friendly, like zhipeng asked me to, but they freaking hell heck care me one la.the only person i talk to is my og leader la, jason. hes new town ncc's cadet lieutenant, so we had common topics to talk about.sian. jack's group walked past mine then he laughed and said something like why your face so dulan.
OF COURSE LA, THIS KIND OF BLOODY GROUP WHO WANT? then what the hell, i have scripture reading and mini morning prayers everyday. WHAT THE. i thought it was once a week la, how you want me tahan. siao leh.ok maybe ac also have, BUT I JUST DONT WANT TO DO IT IN SA. then got so many _______ school people, its like telling me i did very badly for o levels la. i feel damn demoralised. then the principal's speech is also not that impressive la. at least mr foo's catches people's attention when he fumbles a bit on and off. i mean at least it catches the students attention. her speech is like totally boring la, i mean I FELL ASLEEP DURING THE FIRST PRINCIPAL OF MY NEW SCHOOL. this is interesting man. then she also never use any 1337 imba phrases that can catch my attention la. i miss arthur kok T.T
i have to admit, the only thing i enjoyed was mass dance. like zi high la. no one high with me. but i really enjoyed myself. maybe one day include mass dance into np curriculum. would be rather interesting. and i like my og groups name. ILIOS. it means wind in dutch i think, and i represents the element of my 'kingdom'. wanted fire though. and chowlers group got one cheer freaking cool la. cos his 'kingdom' is ofthe metal element and his 'kingdom leader', which is the leader of all the og leaders in the his kingdom carries one uber big inflated ball la, which is supposed to be a metal ball. then their cheer is. CLAP>' BALLS TO YOU'. damn cool la rofl
i am not in a mood to find any picture for this post.
am extremely disappointed with sa.VERY the extreme.
firstly, i heard they arranged og groups according to birthdays? ._____. ok thats rather ok, BUT BUT I AM THE ONLY SINGAPOREAN BOY IN MY GROUP.WHAT.THE.EFF. its like being in changi airport. 4 china scholars, 4-5vietnamese who keep blabbering to each other in their own language, 1 brazilian who also got outcasted. so obviously they were in their cliques la, and i tried to be friendly, like zhipeng asked me to, but they freaking hell heck care me one la.the only person i talk to is my og leader la, jason. hes new town ncc's cadet lieutenant, so we had common topics to talk about.sian. jack's group walked past mine then he laughed and said something like why your face so dulan.
OF COURSE LA, THIS KIND OF BLOODY GROUP WHO WANT? then what the hell, i have scripture reading and mini morning prayers everyday. WHAT THE. i thought it was once a week la, how you want me tahan. siao leh.ok maybe ac also have, BUT I JUST DONT WANT TO DO IT IN SA. then got so many _______ school people, its like telling me i did very badly for o levels la. i feel damn demoralised. then the principal's speech is also not that impressive la. at least mr foo's catches people's attention when he fumbles a bit on and off. i mean at least it catches the students attention. her speech is like totally boring la, i mean I FELL ASLEEP DURING THE FIRST PRINCIPAL OF MY NEW SCHOOL. this is interesting man. then she also never use any 1337 imba phrases that can catch my attention la. i miss arthur kok T.T
i have to admit, the only thing i enjoyed was mass dance. like zi high la. no one high with me. but i really enjoyed myself. maybe one day include mass dance into np curriculum. would be rather interesting. and i like my og groups name. ILIOS. it means wind in dutch i think, and i represents the element of my 'kingdom'. wanted fire though. and chowlers group got one cheer freaking cool la. cos his 'kingdom' is ofthe metal element and his 'kingdom leader', which is the leader of all the og leaders in the his kingdom carries one uber big inflated ball la, which is supposed to be a metal ball. then their cheer is. CLAP>' BALLS TO YOU'. damn cool la rofl
Sunday, February 01, 2009
so today woke up at 5.45 to meet the rest to send tyt off to australia. there were 9 of us, and we took 3 cabs to T3 cos we thought we couldnt make it in time before tyt moves off to the holding area. so took a few photos and all, chit chatted for awhile and then everyone were overcome with emotions. not me of course hehehe. so we stoned around T3 then went over to T1 for some popeye's chicken.skytrained-ed to T2 and then mrted to lakeside
went over to cherngyew's for bai nian with xinzhi nich kjw vivian zhengyang chaypioh amanda sean. woops did i miss out anyone? also saw cherngyews relatives, received angbao :D left earlier with nich and i headed to klin's. the rest had finished swimming so just went to some coffeeshop for their lunch. chit chatted about various issues.
ok so this is my last day of the holidays and tomorrow would be the first day my job as a student would be reinstated. hohohoho. new school, new start, new fun (?), a whole new year filled with crazy stuff :D see, imma optimistic now.
so today woke up at 5.45 to meet the rest to send tyt off to australia. there were 9 of us, and we took 3 cabs to T3 cos we thought we couldnt make it in time before tyt moves off to the holding area. so took a few photos and all, chit chatted for awhile and then everyone were overcome with emotions. not me of course hehehe. so we stoned around T3 then went over to T1 for some popeye's chicken.skytrained-ed to T2 and then mrted to lakeside
went over to cherngyew's for bai nian with xinzhi nich kjw vivian zhengyang chaypioh amanda sean. woops did i miss out anyone? also saw cherngyews relatives, received angbao :D left earlier with nich and i headed to klin's. the rest had finished swimming so just went to some coffeeshop for their lunch. chit chatted about various issues.
ok so this is my last day of the holidays and tomorrow would be the first day my job as a student would be reinstated. hohohoho. new school, new start, new fun (?), a whole new year filled with crazy stuff :D see, imma optimistic now.