oh yeah, another week over :D
week full of lectures and stuff, except thursday that is, where i had only like civis and no other lesson. so had to hang around in school till 1 before leaving the school.
so i learnt more about my lecturers and stuff. the one particular lecture i really enjoyed and which i think i will enjoy in future is GP lol. serious. cos thats the most fun lecture other than physics la. but its way better that physics cos i realised for his whole 1.5 hour lecture i was awake. but of course there are other stuffs which i cant post on the web, cos hes not THAT amazing. he has his own 'flaws' as well. but i dont mind having ak as my gp teacher :D i know youre reading this mr kok >D
also realised my school has a wii corner, but it only has wii sports, so dont think it'll be of much fun i guess.
another highlight is i got a guitar! went to peninnsular plaza with chowler and my parents to get one. chowler got an acoustic one while i bought a standard classical, cos since i joined guitar, i should get one thats suitable for playing in the ensemble.
then friday had a guitar camp which was supposed to be 3 days 2 nights but i skipped on the 2nd day cos i wanted to go for 404 dinner :D well, 404 dinner is considered a 'personal commitment' right? but the camp was real fun la actually. i like the guitar people, think i'll make great friends in the cca, maybe better than my classmates. but by going for the camp, an oppurtunity cost was incurred and i missed np on friday :( i think many stuff happened just by me skipping one parade, cos coincidentally they had a mini squad dinner and i missed it D: boohoo.
but the camps good. it was a my first leisure camp in my life (zomg no life!), malaysia camp's not counted since its considered to be a LEADERSHIP TRAINING camp. nothing major happened actually, but the people made it fun. theres this other guy whos from xinmin np, but nah, hes not a ci.had some guitar training lessons, and i finally know how to play a piece! but i was in the bass section la, so if i play it at home it sounds quite senseless. then during the night can play basketball during the 'group discussion' time. cos all the j2s had to practice for syf then the J1s had to plan some skit for finale. chowler timotheus and i just grabbed a ball and started playing. then slowly almost all the guys were playing. play in uniform somemore man. sa uniform not PE-friendly, it feels really wet after playing.
also had some other ice breaking games, but the main games were at 3 on the 2nd day, and i left at 3 on chowlers car :D but i left my shoebag with my slippers in his car and i had no slippers to go out. so i was imprisoned at home for the weekend. and hopefully he'll be kind enough to return them to me tomorrow. oh yeah and everyone brought sleeping bags for the camp except me. ok maybe not everyone but all the guys did. didnt really think there was a need to anyway. np annual camps have trained me to sleep in tents and on classroom floor :D
all in all, guitar's cool. at least for me it is.but its on wednesdays and fridays la, and im trying to achieve 80% attendance for guitar. so i can only go down for np for 20% of the year D:oh yeah and guitar's having a japan trip in the june holidays too, but i'll be skipping it i guess, though its my 2nd time wasting a chance to go japan ):
ohkay so after leaving on saturday, chowler's dad dropped me off at king albert park's macdonals and i took 184 home. rushed home and bathed then headed for class dinner! they were playing pool before that la and i had to miss it too :( so we decided to head down to imm for ajisen. didnt feel like burning my pocket so i went to subway to eat while the rest headed for ajisen. but alice shimin kjw and nich joined me, but of course they didnt eat la, then went to ajisen to find the rest. then we headed to this open space on top to play orientation games and took some photos too. security dude chased us off cos the place was supposedly closing, but i guess it only applies for youngsters gathered in one bunch cos a whole group of kids and parents were still at the playground.
its always good to meetup with old friends, though you also know that slowly but surely, everyone will grow distant and we'll all soon forget about each other. but its good to gather while the memories are still fresh, so lets have more 404'08/205'06/nhnp 05-08 outings :D anyone care to organise?
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