so on friday took the usual 6.30+ train adn met the rest at outram and then took the nel to potong pasir. theres this shelter that i have to walk through everyday, which 'is proudly opened by chiam see tong'. lol.so the usual morning scripture reading and prayer thingy before we headed off for 2 hours of mass dance. yeah my favourite part of the whole OC. then left at about 1.30 to go back np. but i got lost at the saint andrews village and then reached the bus stop around half an hour later. the bus stop is just outside the village mind you. i was supposed to walk from the jc to the secondary school to the kindergarten but i think i got lost in the secondary school. so bused back to nh within 35 mins. zoomzoom fast. met up with ying and nich in the np room. new ac pe shirt not nice :( but better quality. ac still better than sa D:
so hung around until 4.45 before heading off to sa once again. took around 45mins this time because i took the train nad reached around 5.50+, just in time for my campfire. but it rained, so the campfire was cancelled and contingency plan was activated. wore my sash and armband thingy for my 'kingdom identity' thing. in case for those who dont understand what it is, its kingdom is supposed to come up with an identity to wear so as to showcase each kingdoms speciality. the ball ball kingdom peeps were wearing hairbands with balls attached and thepirate kingdom were wearing pirate vests made from rubbish bags. so danced and cheered, then all the nanhua sa peeps pangseh their OG dinner and we went to chinatown for our own nanhua mini gathering, though not all nahuarians were there.
am glad to see the nanhuarians in sa slowly enjoying themselves in sa, and i have to say including myself. like i said, sa is a good school. note the underlined, try guess the idea im putting across (: everyone had great fun in finale, but i think among all of us jacksan is having the most fun lol. its like i see him in his OG like perma laughing/smiling one. some of us already blend in to the sa surroundings/culture already lol. come to think of it, did i mention theres this nanhua girl in sa whom i've never seen before for 4 years. how amazing is that o.o
anyway its just the start of the year and i think its qutie a difficult start for me already. i dropped chinese, knowing that i'll have a confirmed D in my a level cert already. i told myself to work really hard for econs and physics, especially physics. mr wee told me last time that he hoped that i'll at least get an A2 durings Os but i got a B3.sigh i'll try my very best to get an A now, its not going to be easy. im also considering taking H3 physics or chem next year, so i have to work triple-y hard. then again, i have to take up a cca on wednesday. i wanna take up something light but im not sure what i want. photographic society then i'll be alone. if i take up guitar, i think there'll be auditions cos its SYF year if im not wrong.furthermore, they only play classical, and i really want acoustic ):
another factor is i gotta consider is whether it'll eat up my time on friday, preventing me from going back to parades.on the point of my june course, i now have even more problems. kent ridge has brought up the issue that they're in the need of CIs, so even after completing CIBTC i stand a very high chance of getting posted there. gargh i dont want to make the wrong choice. but i think im ok being stuck with being just a senior nco.i suppose. ahhhh i dont know.
now all i want to do is, get my uniform, get a new pair of shoes and buy mroe clothes :D that'll leave me with like 5 pairs of shoes lololol.i wanna revise my lecture notes too,
but i forgot to buy them on friday ._.
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