went down at 6.30+ i think, yes im not the last one anymore hohoho. muster paraded. wooo see many people receive stuff, but those who didnt receive the stuffs or velvety things you wanted, no fear, cos its a cue to work harder and improve on your standards :D but then again for those who received your stuffz, a great congrats as your hardwork( i hope >:0) has finally be recognised. but then again, a slacker like me can pass all my promos, wooplz. i are great talent (:
then took sec1s and a few sec2s for a while for drills while the rest had fdc. then went to seesee fdc.okok la. could be better D: after that, 2nd postings then er, a brief debrief. then went west coast plaza for some retarded thai express meal. thought i got scammed but actually the rice with the few thingys quite full. some prawn paste rice. hey it comes with a slice of cucumber and tomato. healthy healthy ._. bloody hell, $12.75 because of the 17% thingy. >:0 282ed back,went home and changed, went to join kjw and bro and primary school friends for bball downstairs till 5+.
aiyo actually right, fdc training got so tough meh. compare with the ancient times where nhhs was still back at the old campus, sunny told us like the parade square was made of those kind of roughrough (tar?) flooring, with the friendly afternoon sun scorching your ass out. then with the even more epic old old GL CIs scolding the shit out of you, firing drills like a submachinegun without even closing the mouth for a rest o.o then for the not so ancient times, like my time, the trainings were like wtf even more tiring can ._. 8-12 everyday for like err 1 week? around there. everyday can, in half-u. like the uniform cannot wash one.then its like really tio niao like siao la. and if the formations are confusing or chim, go see 2004 open house formation plz. my first part in a performance. spirals, throwing rifles UP and catching them when they freefall, forming the five eyed freak of the np crest thingy, forming the singapore flag's stars and crescents. etc etc. somemore one of the more recent ones i think last year cca extravaganza, throwing rifles and exchanging them with the person opposite you. double ew tee eff >:0.
jialat, as generations pass, the teens get more and more paper ._.
on a sidenote, i'll be taking up guitar soon( if nothing goes wrong) :D hope i can cope next year with all the jc sheez, nhnp matters and miscellaneous stuff.i scared something happens before june then i wont have the time to go J'08 CIBTC D: .OVERNIGHT CYCLING TOMORROW YEAHHHHHHHH. hope no accidents happen though.
the long-owed tag replies! may miss out some paiseh :( old already. :
yx> lol secrecy plz. zhuai lor come back from jap then know so many new jap stuffz already D: and wtf takopoachi ramen o.o isnt takopoachi those 3 for $2 octopus balls lol
ferny> lol paiseh! no money :D hahaha
yingying> walao i think you go round everyone's blog pasting the same thing la lol. no cheng yi one :( happy late boxing day anyway lol.
amandaang> lolol before 5th jan, when your school starts >D
YUHAN> erhhhhh i know im right :D
sally> lolol i think the real shaoan would be much better. ELECTRIO CORONATA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) yay i dont owe you $10 already, like finally.
xinyun> sorry! didnt have sufficient cash. needed da money for somethin else :D
vaa> woo sengkia. of course la, me leh. anyway thanks for you photoshop cs 4 lol, save me like $200-$300+ right :D