a jolly christmas to all :D
hahahaha this year christmas highhigh, just spammed lotsa people merry xmas through msn and sms. though this year would be different, wont be going to both my dad and mum's side for xmas partaye. which means no presents for me >:0
pooled with ak, kjw, chowler and klinsen yesterday. lunched at bukit timah market first. joined in some long queue cos chowler said the chicken rice was tasty, but turned out the one downstairs still nicer D: ok maybe cos i grew up with that chicken rice taste since young lolol. wooo so my pool skillz still suck and im still not 'a pool person'. so after pool when to king albert park macs to chitty chatty then headed to clementi mrt to meet up with the rest for the supposedly bbq.
in the end went to raffles city to eat the err shokudon or somethin for dinner. burnt my pockets and the extra 17% charges didnt help much either >:0 ate then went to the riverside at esplanade and sat there. chatted and listened to songs. then went orchard with yonglak amanda kjw xinzhi jh and sally joined us later.walked and checked out the many christmas carolling sessions. i think christmas carols are like damn cool, not sure why, but just that its you can totally feel the spirit and enthusiasm in their voices. hohoho.
soccer today with 205 guys at fico. played for like 2 hours then went to jp to eat at the smaller lailai kitchen at jp1. think theres a HUGEEEEEEEE one at jp2, where yuan's working. actually the price at the smaller one quite reasonable, like $3 for a plate of soy sauce chicken rice and $1.20 for a canned drink. wowo i like cheap and affordable stuff :D cant blame me, cos i dont have a job :( then walked around and then went arcade for daytona. woooo 1stz, bow down to the presence of greatness :D
once again a very merry christmas to everyone :D dono why this time christmas so high lol.
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