boxing day! like yonglak says, if you receive crappy presnts during christmas which was the day before, you could go and box the person legally today. only today, if not it'll become illegal :O
didnt do anything the whole day as usual, mum and sis went out the whole day, leaving me at home alone >:0 partly cos i didnt want to join them as well.went to basketball downstairs and played with the neighbourhood people, and also my primary school friend who migrated to aussy 2 years back, who is now back here for celebrations.
thing i dont get is, how come some people can just hurl vulgarities at each other so freely, like every 10 words sure got at least 2 vulagrity D: see im so pure muah ha ha. but anyway it's kinda lucky i got into nhhs i guess, not that other schools are bad, but at least the people i know here use lesser holy words >:0
whee boring post, cos im bored, but then im kinda occupied by mixed emotions now ):but hey, its not my fault anyway, i havent got the greens and people to help me. ok maybe not because they wont help, but just that im not sure whether or not to trust anymore people.
joeshuas off to japan today? i think. doubt you'll be seeing this, but you better get the cookies jerald got from hokkaido the other time >D
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