and the fateful day, 10 october came, ending four years of time in nanhua with a blast.
lets really talk about what happened on this very day, as detailed as i can remember. so i woke up at the usual with my mum's usual 6am call, washed up, changed and of course breakfast-ed. then kelvin dropped me a text saying he gotta rush and then i realised i was short of time and couldnt possibly meet him at our usual bus stop within 5 mins. so i just walked to the bus stop opposite west coast court to wait for him. yes, retarded me walks to central to take bus every morning, not counting the days where unforseen circumstances take place.
on the way met kianann, who i think went to find his gf then waited for like 5 mins and sped off to school with a quick but light gait. after 4 years, last day walking to school with kelvin ):. so by estimate, i've walked the same stretch of road with him at least 1400 times. sweet. gathered at our usual 205 gathering place outside np room, but was kinda disappointed that many werent there, cos there wasnt any flag raising. bleah. proceeded to classroom after b.lim chased us back to class. for the last time.
mdm yong came to class shortly after, wearing differently as compared to the past 365X2 days lol. so we mass took pictures for like 45 mins before continuing on with bio for 20+mins. 403 was having geo lessons next door i think, we must have caused such a din with the noise we made. so the rest of the day was pretty much the same. taking lotsa photos with everyone, ok most classmates and of course the teachers. mr teoh pretty much had to put on a perma smile cos everyone wanted to snap pictures with him and of course not miss out a token to remember that golden smile.
after school took a 205 class photo, would probably post it tmr, cos i already uploaded all the pictures that i wanna post, of course not posting the rather unglam ones. went off to botak jones to get my fill for lunch, but turns out botak jones just became very singaporean, if you know what kind of synonyms 'cheapskate' has. $8 for the same size of chicken but for an inferior portion of fries. hmpf. went to play soccer after that and then walked back to school with chao for night study. ahhh i tell you having a chat with chaohsien is tough, having to read between the lines of his words always, must have a rather good power of english >) ahem ahem. thanks for teaching me 1337 english btw.
did a bit of math only, cos i was rather sleepy. went for some mini remedial with a.k., i think my compo really must bankai, i really felt that i screwed up my oral and my oral will definitely not save my sorry ass this time. also my english would definitely be used for the L for l1r5, so i must either maintain my a2 or even get an a1, a b3 for the L definitely wont do. left school at exactly 8.30 because a.k. chased us out. sigh, couldnt stay in school for awhile more. left for home and dota-ed a bit and then did math, ending my last day in nanhua at 1am.
stepping out of the gates of nanhua was more than a mere footstep out of the school i've gone to for 4 years, but it was a step that marked the end of my 4 years. not counting o levels, duh. taking steps are actually very amazing, to everyone, each step has a different purpose. each step you can never turn back and trace the exact spot where you were once on. it is a guranteed ticket toward the future, although it doesnt really make sense.
friends that i made in these 4 years would be nothing more than a glimmer in my bright mind and friendships with them would always be hanging strong, though it could break off anything, like a candle in the wind, fighting against the currents of the invisible force, but would soon extinguish, falling powerless to the torment from it.
photos taken would hold nothing but faint memories arranged in a haphazard manner in my mind, and the surge of emotions that flow through me would definitely be dead as time engulfs it, leaving me emotionless to my once memorable past.
I think, what seperates us humans from beasts is that we have this uncanny ability to treasure. no not like food stocking in winter all those stuff that rodents and other animals do during winter and stuff, but we treasure something something far more profound than that, something which inconveniently and irritating-ly controls us, something named time. amazing stuff.
Our memories are no more than a sieve and all this mixed emotions would eventually flow out to be filtrate. (ZOMG NOOO CHEM).A barrier from these emotions would soon be built unnoticably, slowly but surely it'll definitely be up.in short,
sucks to be leaving something close to me. /edit. thanks MCB for the last few days in class, had the time of my life with you guys. i cant believe i was in a twit clique ._.

The desire to take a picture did linger in my mind,but it burnt too bright, so much so it had to be put out.now, i have to struggle from the anguish and regret enveloping me.