so o levels are going to start in 3 days, and the battle with memorising stuff looms. hmm, think i have been doing rather ok for the week so far, doing a bit of everything as usual, not ss though :S cos ss i think ss is a memorise in one shot subject :D no la, think i'll be doing ss over the few days before the exam.
was back checking out np today and study at the same time. also asked mr wee a few questions. also handed in chinese compo to foolaoshi cos she didnt reply my compo i sent to her 2-3 days ago through email ): i did ok, didnt slack. wanna try get b3 for my chinese though, havent get past b4 since i entered nanhua 4 years ago.
theres this fdc selection thing for nhnp tmr i think, for the coming open house. sorta brought back memories. remembered that time sir cheehoe who was all so scary just came to us with a clipboard ticktick writewrite and walk off. was damn hum, didnt dare fidget or do anything funny, which i always do :D jkjk.but that time we werent even informed about this, so i guess it was sir cheehoe fear aura which help me get through. next few days, jipeng called me while i was polishing boots tell me about this, of course was uber happy, though i became a reserve in the end lul. but im proud to say i've participated in every performance since sec1, in one way or another. trained a lot, but always played basketball after the practices, so i didnt really mind. miss the old basketball court though, somehow.
ahh good times, good times.
Ah, the sound of rain,
iiicalls in the night,
Rising and falling in urgency,
A whisper
iiinot more than breath on the wind,
Then deafening roar,
Fickle and violent,
Then why so lovely and loved?
Time would chide lovers
That passions in the rain are but fevers,
iiiphantoms burning in the night air-
Tiresome words to those who would live
iiiand let damned the dawning of day
When such phantoms may burn out in the morning lights.
Sleep filled houses,
Empty cars sleeping under watchful halogens,
All islands amid lakes
iiiand oceans on the sidewalk.
Fall again like chapel bells,
iiiand float into my hands
While I walk through the river lands,
And listen to the song of tide,
Pitter pat,
pitter pat.
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