so the past week was spent on doing revision papers and the papers just keep coming. teachers said theres this 'printing strike' at the GO, sounds kinda funny though, i mean just try imagine those staff like sit there cross arms then say something like 'hmpf, i dont want print liao. hmpf'.
omg super random.
boring me has nothing to blog about again. i'll keep the 'oh no school has ended' post for next week, but i guess everyone'll be doing the same.
ahhh yes and my phone has set a record, restarting after it just did when i just sent an sms. think i'll send it for repair during the o lvl period,doubt i will be using my phone then.
yayay next week take 205 picturez with benny and ex-classmates. so cool man, cos its like after taking the photos, can take out the ones we took 2 years back and then compare. on a side note, my phone has restarted again, after i typed till here ._. AHHHHH i paid $48 for it lor D: think i should have gotten the $0 old cybershot phone instead. the camera's better than my current one anyway, and i love taking pictures woooo. not camwhore, take pictures of stuff D: i remember the one time i took part in an attempted camwhore was during ORD, but obviously it failed, with people like me, joeshua, kjw, nicholas, kelvinteo, chaohsien. look damn retarded.epic FAILLLLL.
im just typing my time away since im so bored. typetypetype. oh yeah and i love moderation. rocksorrz :D maybe i can get edusave this year again, unless the rest of the cohort shot up like way past me.hmmm.
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