For teens around my age, we probably already know that this world isnt a nice place, and the recent bout of events that happened around me has reaffirmed my stand that we live in an environment where we constantly strive to achieve the best out of everything, but often the desired results, well, it just doesnt cease to dampen our hopes.
Human struggles are apparent throughout the world. With the red madness going on in thailand, the myanmmar political unfairness, we somehow overlook the similar little problems that are around us. I fear for the future bunch of highly educated kids. Though they seem to have surpasses previous generations in terms of intellect, or if you wanna call it the 'smartness' that MOE defines for us(that could probably not be entirely true since most of us rely on memorisation anyway), it really really seems that they have failed to understand the expected values of human nature that hold the social fabric together, tolerance, integrity, respect, just to name a few.
Perhaps if i could find just one adjective to describe such people, i think the root of the problem would be selfishness. I mean, its not their fault anyway, i believe humans are born selfish. No one, completely no one, has done everything in their lives soley for the benefit of others. There would be many instances in life where we just have to squeeze other people out of the benefits of whatever we are doing, just to attain that goal. We do not care what happens on the way to achieving the goal, if i want it done, it has to be done, no matter what the circumstances. Ignoring friendships, personal beliefs or whatsoever, humans have degraded themselves to be immoral creatures. Though im not a christian, i agree with the bible that says everyone is a sinner. Its a short sentence loaded with truckloads of meaning within it, how cool is that?
Perhaps i've come to realised why i seldom take sweets, maybe because i dont want any part of my body to be disillusioned into thinking that this world is a sweet place after all :O
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