The service learning i did this time has opened a half closed door to what i already know in this world. Technically, its not something that i dont know, but it's something that i would not have thought to be so easily found even in our thriving lion city, or so they say.
So, as my other group members went to knock on the other doors, i went to the one that was 'assigned' to me. Seems like any other door that would open up to a 3 room flat. The previous one opened up to a house with a natural brown feel to it,with that large screen LCD tv, just beside the door. Family gathered round a table with ipods and lappys on the table. Seeming to be well off, still they said they didnt have time, and didnt even want to take my flyer that i was supposed to distribute *shrugs head*
So i just well, knocked on the door and waited for awhile. Looking around, this family must have liked or attempted to grow plants, as the withering flowers in the pots laid next to the gate seem to be crying out for water. Finally the door opened and and old woman with distinct wrinkles on her face stood weakly right in front of me. What shocked me wasn't really the old woman, but what was in her house. The flowers seem to reflect what was inside. As i peered inside, it gave me a sense of gloom and deadness, and of course dusty-ness. The house was dimly lit, hold on, it was FRIGGIN dark, the only lights were the small rays of lights struggling to get through the semi-closed kitchen windows. Plastic bags with clothes and old newspapers were piled up next to a short wooden desk. No sign of any tv or any electrical ware in the living room, i couldnt even see so far into the kitchen, so i was guessing she wasnt even able to afford cupboards to store her stuff.
So i used my semi-angmor chinese tone to tell her what i was here for, collecting of food for the needy. Just great, so im attempting to get somethin out of the poor, to give to the poor? I felt kinda guilty as i spoke to her, telling her about the details on the flyer, cos she probably wont be able to read it anyway. And then obviously osteoperosis woman started talking with the hoarse voice of hers. And then, that was when it hit me. She said she has been constantly donating to the X organisation who came to collect old clothes or whatsoever every 2 weeks or so. She even proudly showed me the plastic bag the organisation gave for the citizens to store their unwanteds. She seemed so happy despite the fact that she was already 'in that kind of state' and was donating to help others like her, or maybe even better than her, since those applying for assistance could probably fake some of the details.
I thanked her for her endless support for the community and i stood there as the door closed. I wondered how many other similar doors are there in just that 1 slab of 3 room flats. Sheesh.
Time to snap back to reality,organic revision time, ciaossu.
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