I've got the worst set of the results in my 18 years of life for the recent bout of tests, including the mini quizzes which the teacher gave us shortly after our MSAs. 2nd from the bottom in class for 2 physics test in a row is very demoralising man >_> Econs and GP was exceptionally disappointing, those 2 being my best became my 2 worse subjects.
Which sorta led me to wonder should i have gone to take a subject combi i really liked. Imma weirdo person, given the choice i'll take lit,art,physics,chem and math with linguistics rather than GP, although i know this is definitely a killer combo. So many times in life, we have to choose practicality(not saying those subjects listed above are impractical) over what we really want.
I've been loathing school more and more, complains become meaningless, because its probably not of any use anyway, 95% of all JC2 students probably just wanna take a break from this crazy schedule of ours. It's kinda crazy you know, actually the stuff taught in JC isnt very new, its just stuff thats more in-depth. Yeah thats cramming 4 years of work into 2 years, and this work is theoretically more difficult with its increased indepth-ness.
Im currently training my legs rather than my body nowadays, cos pullups are sorta settled no kick for me already :D its funny how terrible my jumping is with my long skinny legs, perhaps they're overskinny empty of muscles :O im also kinda near to dunking for the hoop at my house downstairs, just gotta push a bit more, add oil add oil!
Campcraft com's around the corner too, hopefully we can maintain the top 30 :O and guitar's been a real headache lately ): And i think its time for some kids to grow up already, how come they're already ____ and they still cant' seem to get their act together.Hmpf.
Oh i see that the picture from my blogskin is sorta removed already, obvious signal for a new blogskin!
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