Thursday, October 15, 2009

Bryan hasnt been blogging for more than a week :O

Man i have been stressing up a lot for the past few days actually. Not because of results, comon 35 rank points how to not get man, its bryan.

I realised how boring or how terrible life is, although they say having lived itself is a bliss. You sleep in the night, wake up all fresh for the new day, head over to school, return home, and the cycle just carries on infinitely, until you start working that is. Then, sub 'work' into 'head over to school' and solve the equation.

And then you get to face all the funny people in life. Thats so subjective, maybe im funny/weird to others. Gladys and Est were like discussing how irritated with people who kept bugging their teach' for their results and stuff. Maybe i heard wrongly, i was so sleepy this morning, cos of yesterday's tennis hoho. Anyway, why do students keep bother to keep bugging their teachers for the results, thats like sooooo i duno, immature? Imagine if our kids grow up next time, keeping this same mentality. When theres like, voting for the next president or whatever, citizens bug the government. Thats like damn retarded -.- Dunch kn0w laz, its like whatever is coming will still come in the end right, like my gp teacher say if we all studied harder, none of us would be worried. If i get retained ( oh no ), i only have myself to blame right?

Somehow, the recent things i did made me realise some things myself. I really abhor/detest/hate/loathe/dislike/cant stand who arent true to theirselves. I know we are all pressured by our friends or society to change. Get real, who doesnt want to fit in,ultimately? There are some wuss-es out there who copy and mimic so many things from different people and stuff they become like errr Singapore, a rojak of everything. I guess its hard for all of us to be who we are cos we're afraid people will shun us away and stuff, no kidding, sometimes i really feel that way man. But as much as i can would always always try to stay as Bryan as possible. Not the Bryan that says 'strength,virtue' or whatever whoopadingdongs in the name dictionary, but the Bryan that 'shouts ME!' BOOMZ. I know people who really are themselves, or at least allows me to perceive that they're themselves, they may not definitely be the most likable bunch of people in the whole wide world, but they definitely have my respect for being original. 2 thumbs up for originality.

I still have so much to say, but I really dont have the mood to type it all here, its just yet another rant that life is life. Life is a word by itself man, you cant match up anyword to be on the same level as it.

In my shoes, just to see
What it's like, to be me
I'll be you, let's trade shoes
Just to see what I'd be like to

Feel your pain, you feel mine
Go inside each other's mind
Just to see what we find
Look at shit through each other's eyes

Tomorrow releasing all results, lai ba >:0 i dont think that it'll be that pain as failing HCL. Thats like the failest fail i ever had in my whole life -.-


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