oh yeah MSA's over for now, heard there'll be like one more round next week la wth ._.
School's starting to get more boring than it already is. Apart from the occasional PE periods we have tchouking away the one to one and a half hour a week, school's really just a drag.
Tchoukball's real fun. After shaoan's intro to the game few weeks back before i started playing it for PE, i realised its more than just throwing the ball hard down onto the tramboline thingy. Its like about counterattacks and throwing the ball at various angles. Thats when physics comes in but argh, physics ): i still am talentless at physics somehow, just cant seem to understand why >:0 Anyway yeah, i think SA really really should start tchoukball real soon, cos they have one potential pro here who is all ready to join man hohoho >)
Actually the workload in school has really piled up, somehow i just can bring myself to complete all of the tutorials and stuff. I needa break after the tests man, the teachers actually know it but they just carry on the lectures and lectures without really bothering about us. Gaa i bet that happens in every school la.
Theres nothign really for me to blog, really. School's pretty much the same everyday. Meet the rest at 6.45, arrive at school, stone for 5mins for the assembly chime to go, lessons, last bell rings, chiong home. Like chiong la, dont like to stay outside somehow. Compared to last time, would normally laze around in school, play around in the classroom, walk the long way back home from school, those were the days when i was really free and well comparatively satisfied with life.
Dont want JC life to end though, i dont wanna go NS. Like seriously, waste of time la D: But other countries dont really have this NS system thingy, probably because they actually have youngsters who are really all so passionate about serving the nation with all their heart and soul but not Singaporeans, like me.
Friday's college day, where all the smart people would come back and receive prizes while people like me would just stone. Then theres also this learning festival thingy where we have 'to pick up a new skill' somehow. Like my class is teaching rollerblading and other classes are doing stuff like magic/ thai boxing. Waste of time la, another potential day to pon school. 2 parents letter, must make full use of it. Speaking of which, i can actually skip school every 2 tuesdays, cos i only have GP and chem and PE then i end at 1. Quite boliao actually, but normally the scheming school always has some academic planner thingy so i have to wait for 2 hours until 3 for the dumb lectures.
So long for now then. Oh yeah, and i learnt from my classmate to bring like prepared sandwiches to school, great idea you guys should try lol, though it makes you seem like some nerd >D