Its been a tiring week as usual, i mean i know im not the only one going through the whole motion instead of the process of school, like since everyone entered JC, most people i know more or less dread school
So i got back my results, which is ok, but i sorta feel discouraged cos i really thought i could do better. So far i got back everything except econs and got a DDEB. i mean if some miracle happens and my econs gets an A, i dont think it would make any difference either, cos the 3 H2 subjects are like terrible man. At first my E physics was a C, but after standardisation, it dropped 2 grades. Note, its standardisation, not moderation, means they rework and revise their marking schemes because of discrepancies here and there, then they just kill everyone of regardless whether or not your marks are high or low. Most of the time, no one's marks will get increased ): then for chem was one mark to a C and for math is half mark to a C. kinda sad though. CCEB would definitely be much nicer. But then again, drastic improvement for GP, or maybe the marker this time wasnt that strict so i got a B instead of a U again. Top in class too wooo lol, never top in class for anything before lol. so in all, results dropped from AASUA to DDEB and one more subject. boo to that ):
Service learning was today and sorta interacted with the kids from carecorner. i was attached to 2 kids who were cousins both of whom where malays. Both of them are really guai and quiet and they're secretly good in sports too. Like the sports games segment they sorta excelled as compared to other kids. it was a fun experience handling the kids, babysitting them for one day. Then after lunch i thought everyone would be drowzy and such, but instead all of them started running around the fitness corner treating everything there like a game station, even the feared pull-up bars. ok, once feared, not anymore (: but yeah, they're full of youth and errr vigour, real suitable word. then was water games, and somehow i got wet even when i tried to avoid contact with the water. boo to that. then played like floorball and touch rug with the kids, and i think my class is like gonna spam either one of those 2 games for PE from now on. Oh well, think its rather ok, perhaps basketball would be better >) oh yeah and i started this revolution of something really interesting. Because everyone has thrown their water bombs and all, then i havent threw mine, there was this kid begging me for my water bomb. so i gave it to him and asked him to do me a favour. At first i wanted him to throw it at one of my classmates, but one of my other classmates gave me a good idea and the whole class joined in the psycho to get him to throw the bomb at my form teacher. And then my form teacher who doesnt look like very sporty and those gentle gentle kind sprinted of immediately, amazingly lol.oh yeah and from the start, my 2 buddies had problems remembering my name, somehow 'Bryan' was a difficult word to pronounce/remember o.o So i asked them to give me a name and the boy called me 'Bigger'. Ok at least it sounds like bigger, it cant be 'Bugger' right. But yeah, the name was like er, cute.
After that joined like half of the squad to welcome tyt back after like 1 or 2 weeks and when she is going off tomorrow -.- oh well. anyway CCA activities can be resumed! yeah manzz woo. But i have no idea why i still have guitar when theres not supposed to be CCAs ._. and oh yeah , i found back my file too wooooo! it was put into the inno room when i left it outside last week, so its like since guitar practice in the inno room only resumed yesterday, i just found it yesterday. But then again, i lost my spec hooks somehow because i took it out when i was sleeping. Oh man, im always losing stuff.
Its been long since i read a book properly, like the whole book and i think i should get one soon to improve my vocab and stuff. Any reccommendations?
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