Alrighty, term with new timetable starts tomorrow!
Past week after the June holidays have been filled with common tests, hopefully i'll be able to get 35< rank points so as to obtain a pass for this common tests. But for gp, i'll prefer a B or C cos well, i dont really like it when my english-related subjects gets low grades. ok maybe im asking for too much but just dont fail on me man gp, placing lotsa faith on the subject cos its like important for uni criteria or so i think.Then for the rest of the subjects, sigh man.BIG SIGH. i only managed to complete econs, which is rather ironic since econ is the subject where you have to scribble crazily. This could also mean a bad thing, that i had too little to write for econs to the extent that i could finish in time ):
Enough about common tests, i've been busy with my june holiday homework too. 12 newspaper articles and i havent started on EOM/journal. At least im done with 7 articles, hopefully i'll be able to finish the remaining 5 by this week as promised to my GP teacher.
The real term 3 starts tomorrow, and soon term 4 would be over and the A levels would be nothing but the past. Lets just get it done and over with man, seriously. The days are ahead are gonna get hectic with more and more workload, especially from PW. I gotta do weekend revision too, like last minute studying like what i did for common tests would not work, not that i had a choice anyway. I've sorta put down my hopes of trying to take up H3 physics, though i've got the interest for it, but i definitely cant qualify for it or take up the extra stress, i think. Kinda reminds me that it sucks to be in SA cos it doesnt offer the English Elective programme or some sort. Friends have told me its hard and all but i think im willing to put in the extra effort in something im interested in, as compared to boring econs.
On a sidenote, H1N1 is starting to piss me off too.i think all ccas in all schools have been banned? Means no guitar (yay, i suddenly dread guitar btw), but that also means no NP. argh. Then its like this friday is supposed to be college day but because of H1N1, they cancelled it and changed it to a normal school day cos the activities planned for college day is considered as a 'mass gathering'. And ATC's coming too, im so not gonna miss my first ATC as an instructor man. Its like a whole new experience, something i'll like to try. agrhhhhh.
Dinner with small group of sec4 friends at queestown area there, around RV. Some indian/thai food which costs a nuclear bomb. But it was a good experience though, love gatherings with old friends <3
Oh my god, thats so gay lol.
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