Or so they say.
With the common tests immediately after the holidays, its hardly a school vacation at all, with lots of subjects to cover, tons of topics to revise.But one paper is over though, GP. I so do not want to get a U again for GP man, its just damn stupid. Its not my language or vocab is bad, it really is my arguments, cant stand it. So much for being such a nice person, in the end we must argue our way through to get high marks.
Sometimes i really feel demoralised to study, thinking about being in SA and all, i just destroyed so many oppurtunities that are laid out for me.Like if you're free go check out the SA website and you'll get what i mean. Not that SA is that bad, but the number of successful university admission applications seem to be constantly dwindling throughout the years. The number of people going to the course i wanna go seem to also be decreasing, like the biochemical engineering thingy, or chemical engineering or maybe aerospace engineering. Boo to that man, i so dont wanna go overseas to study, mostly because i dont think my parents would be able to afford sending me overseas too. Singapore currency so weak, would be so hard to survive outside Singapore.Ahh, forget about it, like ak told me before, really have to rely on myself in JC, so lets see how far I can bring myself lol.
CIBTC's in 9 days time, and uniform collection's on Tuesday. How time flies man, 6 months back i was saying like how far CIBTC is, and zoom its so near.Worse thing is, the end of the course is in one months time, and nich told me that its possible that i have to stay over at hta for 5 days in a row. Oh man, i hate staying out of home for so many days, because i'll have a limited set of clothes, meaning i have to rewear my clothes at least one, which is real sick although im not a clean freak.
Ah, since the course ends on the 27th, i still cant get over the fact that it leaves me just 2 days to study. Technically its 1 day, but on the first day of school after its reopened, its bio paper which i do not take. 3 cheers for that wooo.Not aiming for As this time, just wanna get at least 50 rank points this time, and definitely not a U for GP,again.
Half a year just zoomed past like that, maybe thats a good thing, or maybe thats just plain nasty, i dont know. I met foo lao shi on thursday and had a short long-conversation with her. i mean, are conversations with her ever short? lol. But anyway she was telling me about my chiense again, like how is it possible i got a D7 and stuff, then she indirectly hinted that there could be something going on behind the curtains, we'll never know yeah? But cant help but remind me of what happened man.
Rather saddening yo.
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