Alrighty, i shall just make a short post, cos i have chem and econs test on monday and math test on tuesday T.T
By right econs was supposed to be last friday, but the whole class wanted a postponement(is there such a word?) because they claim they dont have enough time o.o sigh why cant it be like the old times, where everyone in the class wanted the test asap, where kjw would bug the teacher to mark finish the papers asap, when the classroom was once so dead and quiet so much so that the teachers would 'complain'.
Actually didnt plan to post anything, but while i was studying econs, i got so bored that i began digging up the old stuff in my room. I found this treasure chest which i normally put all my old memorable stuff in, especially all my 205 stuff. I mean apart from all these stuff, there're still stuff like my plaque from ORD'08, my new south wales medal i won in P5 for computer skills, the 2 bottles of paint i used for DnT which i got from art friend, the customised chibi gundam model keelun gave me last year, and a holder which my very good primary school friend gave me on my 11th birthday, who is now my pen-pal. Of course, there were many other stuff, but the treasure chest really caught my attention.
I opened the treasure chest and checked what did i keep in this box 2 years ago, when 205ians were divided into different classes. and i realised how plain lame ass stuff was able to warm my heart and think of those good ol' times i had.
There was a paper star with writings from yuanyuan, a pebble elena gave me out of a totally random scenario if im not wrong, this girly mario kart thingy yuan ferny and pres gave me for my 14th birthday, many badges collected from the singapore arts biennale i went 3 years ago with mr benny ng, keelun,qianyi,jiayu, kelvin,jiangbabe, eddie, zhipeng and some others i cant remember who. oops :P Various notes bby many classmates given to em on the last day of school, letter by miss wang when she left us, and a video tape! how weird, and i realised it was actually the tape from our video journalism experience.
I can picture the vivid scenes on what happened that day man,if im not wrong we chased presley around the esplanade bay because we realised there was some battery left on the video cam and recorded it down.
Good times, good times.
I remember the day where the last day of school 3 years ago, when the last bell chimed, everyone was crying, tears fell in torrents, ok maybe thats too exaggerating but well the idea is there.
Then we entered new classes, and boy was i happy to be in my class. I was reunited with 4 of my primary school friends, i knew all the guys in the class except dezhan and yangchen, but i knew them too, because i used to play soccer with them during recess. Yes, i remember the times where i once played soccer, mm seems so ancient, times where me keelun and kelvin used the 'triangle attack' formation, which well though it failed at times, it definitely worked before.
2 years zoomed past really fast, and poof it was the last day of school. This time,because everyone grew up and could mmmm think more maturedly, we didnt give each other gifts, instead, we spammed photos. note: spammed. even mdm yong purposely dressed nicer cos she knew we would take photos.
i cant remember what happened when the last bell that signalled the end of my nanhua years rang, but i was pretty sure much of the class went home to study, i mean, it IS 404 right? Really regret that mdm foo didnt mix the class sitting positions, if not our class would be super tight and form a super smart study group.
My days in 205 in a way shaped me into who i am now, and the times i had with 404 tamed me into well, a matured teen. Well, more or less.
I remember when i got my PSLE score, i was contemplating whether or not to go nanhua or to go SJI, and i must say i really didnt regret putting nanhua as my first choice. come to think of it, i remember during registration day, i saw jingyew, who was in the same queue as me, who left peitong in P5 to go henry park. anyway it may sound rather biased or what because if i were to have gone to SJI, i would have said SJI was da bomb. True, but we have to consider, i went to NHHS instead and undeniably, nanhua was definitely a fine experience for me.And many others.
Ah, this is rather disorganised or so, but i remember 205 had a intra-class debate during english lesson with miss poon when she took us for a short while on ' Are man better than woman' somethin like that. Then there was like shouting here and there and yishuo was damn joke. saying many religious figures and leaders are males and such, was really damn funny. Cant remember what happened shortly after that though.
Would like to take this chance to thank all who have helped/tolerated me throughtout my 4 years, and if youre reading this post and is/was a nanhuarian, i'll probably give you the warmest handshake i could possibly offer to you as well.I cant list out the people i wanna thank, cos im afraid i might miss out some people, and that is of course, not very nice.
When the last bell goes off one and a half years later, what would i do? Pack my bag, plug my ears and walk off to the bus stop, again? I dont know, but im glad that i have managed to click well with 2 guys from my class.
Random thought, wonder when would my classmates discover that i have a blog. Hmmm....
By right econs was supposed to be last friday, but the whole class wanted a postponement(is there such a word?) because they claim they dont have enough time o.o sigh why cant it be like the old times, where everyone in the class wanted the test asap, where kjw would bug the teacher to mark finish the papers asap, when the classroom was once so dead and quiet so much so that the teachers would 'complain'.
Actually didnt plan to post anything, but while i was studying econs, i got so bored that i began digging up the old stuff in my room. I found this treasure chest which i normally put all my old memorable stuff in, especially all my 205 stuff. I mean apart from all these stuff, there're still stuff like my plaque from ORD'08, my new south wales medal i won in P5 for computer skills, the 2 bottles of paint i used for DnT which i got from art friend, the customised chibi gundam model keelun gave me last year, and a holder which my very good primary school friend gave me on my 11th birthday, who is now my pen-pal. Of course, there were many other stuff, but the treasure chest really caught my attention.
I opened the treasure chest and checked what did i keep in this box 2 years ago, when 205ians were divided into different classes. and i realised how plain lame ass stuff was able to warm my heart and think of those good ol' times i had.
There was a paper star with writings from yuanyuan, a pebble elena gave me out of a totally random scenario if im not wrong, this girly mario kart thingy yuan ferny and pres gave me for my 14th birthday, many badges collected from the singapore arts biennale i went 3 years ago with mr benny ng, keelun,qianyi,jiayu, kelvin,jiangbabe, eddie, zhipeng and some others i cant remember who. oops :P Various notes bby many classmates given to em on the last day of school, letter by miss wang when she left us, and a video tape! how weird, and i realised it was actually the tape from our video journalism experience.
I can picture the vivid scenes on what happened that day man,if im not wrong we chased presley around the esplanade bay because we realised there was some battery left on the video cam and recorded it down.
Good times, good times.
I remember the day where the last day of school 3 years ago, when the last bell chimed, everyone was crying, tears fell in torrents, ok maybe thats too exaggerating but well the idea is there.
Then we entered new classes, and boy was i happy to be in my class. I was reunited with 4 of my primary school friends, i knew all the guys in the class except dezhan and yangchen, but i knew them too, because i used to play soccer with them during recess. Yes, i remember the times where i once played soccer, mm seems so ancient, times where me keelun and kelvin used the 'triangle attack' formation, which well though it failed at times, it definitely worked before.
2 years zoomed past really fast, and poof it was the last day of school. This time,because everyone grew up and could mmmm think more maturedly, we didnt give each other gifts, instead, we spammed photos. note: spammed. even mdm yong purposely dressed nicer cos she knew we would take photos.
i cant remember what happened when the last bell that signalled the end of my nanhua years rang, but i was pretty sure much of the class went home to study, i mean, it IS 404 right? Really regret that mdm foo didnt mix the class sitting positions, if not our class would be super tight and form a super smart study group.
My days in 205 in a way shaped me into who i am now, and the times i had with 404 tamed me into well, a matured teen. Well, more or less.
I remember when i got my PSLE score, i was contemplating whether or not to go nanhua or to go SJI, and i must say i really didnt regret putting nanhua as my first choice. come to think of it, i remember during registration day, i saw jingyew, who was in the same queue as me, who left peitong in P5 to go henry park. anyway it may sound rather biased or what because if i were to have gone to SJI, i would have said SJI was da bomb. True, but we have to consider, i went to NHHS instead and undeniably, nanhua was definitely a fine experience for me.And many others.
Ah, this is rather disorganised or so, but i remember 205 had a intra-class debate during english lesson with miss poon when she took us for a short while on ' Are man better than woman' somethin like that. Then there was like shouting here and there and yishuo was damn joke. saying many religious figures and leaders are males and such, was really damn funny. Cant remember what happened shortly after that though.
Would like to take this chance to thank all who have helped/tolerated me throughtout my 4 years, and if youre reading this post and is/was a nanhuarian, i'll probably give you the warmest handshake i could possibly offer to you as well.I cant list out the people i wanna thank, cos im afraid i might miss out some people, and that is of course, not very nice.
When the last bell goes off one and a half years later, what would i do? Pack my bag, plug my ears and walk off to the bus stop, again? I dont know, but im glad that i have managed to click well with 2 guys from my class.
Random thought, wonder when would my classmates discover that i have a blog. Hmmm....
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