oopsie lack of updates for one week plus!
like i mentioned yesterday, was filled with tutorials, homework, cca and other stuff so yeah. but the workload isnt really that much, its just that i always feel tired much more easily nowadays,probably because age is catching up :(
shall just post what i can remember, though i cant really remember much. Sunday went down to AJ's Family Day thingy, where i think they celebrated their x number of years anniversary. saw many people, many nanhuarians too. saw some fellow saints, but i dont know them, but one of them was chowler's classmate. didnt actually participate in any of the carnival games (sorry ferny :P) cos i really didnt feel like spending money unecessarily. economic crisis D: maybe cos i did on the current subprime economics crisis for my pw's PI, so i understand how jialat we are now. ok actually not, just that i didnt feel like spending money at all. As i mentioned before, AJ has a really nice homely environment and i'll definitely reccommend juniors to go there. sometimes i wonder why i didnt want to go AJ, i mean i dont mind being in arts stream. 8 points cannot go their science stream ): but anyway its over. yes their campus is a bit old, but i think thats alright la, apart from the fact that their lecture theatre aircon a bit cmi, from what i've heard. so chatted with old friends, then headed home.
i also received my new ezlink card 2 days ago! the dumbest ever dumb dumb thing is that they used my p1 photo for my new ezlink card. so the photo had my chubby chubby cute cute baby face :D best thing is, next to the photo, it is written, tertiary/pre-u student. damn joke. but at least they didnt use my p5 one, so kuku, not cute anymore. i thought they'll use the new J1 photo la o.o
Next big thing was today i guess, which was sports day. i dont know about sports days in other JCs, but what the hell! there was only ONE event. ONE. for 3 hours we're supposed to sit there and watch ONE event, 10X200. then i finally understood why just one race event could take 3 hours.because, the heats and the actual thingy was carried out today. somemore the sports day was so disorganised la, the gallery at first even had no space cos they didnt efficiently make use of the gallery, maybe they must be thinking the gallery is very very big. but the track and gallery area is a nice place. guitar camp me chunyung chowler we went to the gallery steps and stared into the night skies and of course, the expressways lol, which was right behind the other end of the track.
but anyway, people were like having breakfast when the events were carried out, people were playing basketball, including yours truly and people were like running about the whole school compounds la. then they only take attendance once which is during the start, unlike nanhua. so take already can run away :D but decided to play basketball in the hall, which was actually against the school rules, but heck. its not like basketball was having training or something. then went to bukit timah to lan and watch them play pool, cos as again, i didnt want to spend money *_* now im like on ultimate money saving spree. awesome, next time can buy more clothes :)
but all in all, sports day was kinda screwed la, seriously lol. they should hold a interclass games day too, heard from the retainee in my class that there are no interclass games one, so lousy. but actually quite understandable i suppose, since one JC has sooo many classes. i think my batch has 30+ classes, dont really know.
boring post, yah yah i know. wahhh the phrase reminds me of mr wee 'ya ya iiiiiiii know ' :O nanhua nanhua woo woo! lol. i've been listening too much of old school pop songs, think many people around me would be like weird to find em listening to such songs :D
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