man PW is starting to be a pain in the ass.
ohkay, this week did the 2nd draft for PI, hopefully the one left would be the final draft :X. why cant they give a easier topic like groundbreakers and stuff. on first look, conservation seemed easy but i know its actually much harder than it looks >:0
anyway. the highlight for this week shall be the council commendation which was on wednesday! not that its a good thing, nor a bad thing. ok the dumb thing is i had to make my OWN way to saint andrews cathedral from my school. which is rather dumb actually. i mean, its not like this so called handing over ceremony concerns me anyway. a lot of people didnt come to school too, cos the whole day i only had 1 hr 15 mins of lesson, which is dumb. but it was a good experience anyway. though im not a christian, i find it rather cool to be part of such a ceremony, unlike many other people who totally did not respect the religion. tsk tsk. like when the bishop say ' let us pray' then still chit chat, read books. boo to that.
but anyway religion is more than just a religion man. i find it like some form of art. i mean its something thats worth apprieciating in our world. not just christianity, any other religion too. all of them are cool, but im fine being a free thinker :) since we ended at 12.20 ( 20 mins late >:0) of course i headed back to nan huaz.
weekend was just a chilling out time for me. during my secondary school days, i hated holidays and lamented how boring/entertainment-less they are, but after coming to JC, i really really look forward to days where i could just stay away from potong pasir.i really still am waiting for the day i'll regret saying this but oh well.maybe i would realise what i have really lost after i finally leave the school.
so went to weekly gym sessions with kjw and yonglak and queesway at his grandmother's condo. also met mr chan on the way there, again. i think he stays around there, saw him at that area twice already.
after that headed to klin's house for mini gathering with ed,kailun,kelvin, yishuo,xiahao. went to bukit panjang plaza to da bao this whole honey glazed chicken which was quite cool. and of course nutrisoy. oh yeah high in protein :D but klin says too much soya bean would make one feminine. oh noz. oh well, high in protein YEAH! and i didnt know bukit panjang plaza was like such a happening place, thought it'll be those ulu ulu semi-dead malls. but it was like super packed with lotsa shops like cafe cartel and your friendly neighbourhood kopitiam lol. awesome~
so we all sat around the table for dinner, and i know this sounds weird, but it felt like a family dinner lol. not that my family's not important, but its like its nan de for us to actually find the time to sit down just to have dinner. not that we dont have workload, but we choose to spend our time like this. maybe we'll all fail our A levels, but thats far away. hopefully o.o but yeah, gatherings are coolfabulousfantasticsuperduperbrilliantawesomebagussweetnicefun~~
not sure whether i mentioned before, but i realised theres always something for me to look forward to every week. 2 weeks ago it was sports day (because there was a half day), then it was council commendation( cos its half day again) and for this week, it'll be speech day. i know its disheartening not to receive anything :( but i'll still go back :D i mean although if there really is nothing for me to look forward to each week, theres always np!maybe this is how every of my week passes so fast.
ok,maybe if my weeks past too fast, i'll regret in time to come for them not slowing down :O
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