went down at 6.45+, and their performance finally started after around 2 hours? ok la, considering the lack of trainings during the holidays. the other uniform groups were great too, BB definitely improved a lot in my opinion.
then came the boring part which was the static booth.hanged around while the kids came to the booth class by class. a lot of them seemed to be interested in the laser-revolver thingy. then theres this guy who came and kept saying 'i want to shoot someone' or something like that. oh noz, not a nother school shooting spree incident :O. then there was this guy who was being carried on the stretcher by the sjab peeps, who was really kinda retarded, as agreed by chao :D. he said something like 'oooo i can see the sky..... i can see angel' something like that. then i was like wtf ._.
then after that was debrief and stuffz. went to check out fiona addressing the sec2s, kinda agree with what she said. when all these batch of more pro CIs go already, can the new generation of CIs really take over? D: headed to IMM for lunch and had macs o.o kelvin came and then we headed off for klins partaye. to me it was ok la, i like those chances for people to gather around and interact, although the 402 people and 205 were like seperated distinctively. was also hoongjia's birthday ;o. so a big happy birthday to klinsaon and hoongjia once again.
cca extravaganza was cool, i mean i dont think the time to be part of it would ever come back. honestly i have no impression of any drill displays or performances of uniform groups or dance back then. like totally forgot already. but i do remember bouncing a basketball in the canteen that day, and i think npcc's booth was in the canteen too? o.o good times, good times but we all gotta be forward looking! anticipate change and stay relevant. ok a bit make no sense.
siredwin had a lil talk with the sec3s who are like the ncos-to-be in a few months, and that really left me to think. like last time we had to 'fight' to get in to the fdc squad and we really wanted to put a performance for others to see, a
sianpo, tomorrow taking results. i really really want 8 or 9, but i know its quite impossible. too late to regret now anyway.highest i can go before i get an attack has to be a 13 i guess. but dont know, im not really sure how i 'll feel after the receiving the results, whether i've done good or bad. last time PSLE also not like that, its like i was just some childish kiddo la, then get 245 for psle also like dont care one lol.
distinction for english pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. and e math too. seriously -.-
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