lets see, went to ngeeann on friday, i think, forgot already, mental block :D played for like 3 hours then went to subway IN ngeeann for lunch. so cool la, school got subway, think subway should open more outlets everywhere in singapore, so nice. furthermore in ngeeann the subway there sells stuff at a cheaper price as compared to outside. also, the food court there so niceeee. omg lol like promoting ngeeann, but the place damn cool la lol. the food courts also all so nice hehehe.then went to mambo for pool. hoho my pool have improved, fear my cue stick skills when i strike ballz lol.
then following day went downstairs to basketball again the whole afternoon doenstairs till 7+. woohoo had intense smecksaye sunburn on my nape, but i dont think the other parts of my body got tan-ner D: then went down again the whole afternoon for basketball till 7+,again. saw NP senior both days and even played with his bunch of friends, all nanhua seniors hohoho. play with the nanhua family.
then today went to jurong point with cherngyew sean kjw to find school bags. i think its kinda early to get a school bag though, so just tagged along. jp offers some really great bags though, maybe i'll head back there after when school starts/bought new books.then went to the lan at the building of west bowl. turns out the old lan has shut down and a new aloha cyber cafe has taken over. best thing is A LAN IN CLEMENTI OFFERS LEFT4DEAD AT $2 PER HOUR! WOOO HOOO who want play just jio me :D thanks sean for discovering it too lol.
30th january hurry hurry. somehow i kinda regret my JAE choices. cos i put ac as first 2 choices, pushing sa back to a 3rd choice,which really puts me at a risk of going into the other choices which i put, like 5th-12th choice o.o aiyoh. then i'll end up having to appeal in to SA, instead of my initial plan of appealing into AC. furthermore, like a lot of people going to both sa and ac T.T a handful of my primary school classmates seem to be going to sa too. wowzers.
on a side note, i've replaced my worn out 4 year old hole-in-the-bottom sports shoe with a new one! used the $20 sportslink grad night lucky draw voucher lol so i got it for $63. may consider to get another pair of track shoes for long tedious running too though, cos this ones abit basketball-like, quite kuku to wear it and walk around, at least to what i feel la lol.
np on thursday~~~ :D
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