in case you didnt know, i dont really believe in such crap as fate >( but the picture's nice :D
zoomzoom and now its already 11 august. time flies by so fast. and my mind cant seem to keep up with that devil's pace.
was wondering where i'll end up next year and how much i would change, i mean for sure right i think everyone will change cos we as humans have to adapt to the 'hip environment' around us so as not to stay left out. hahahaha anticipate change to stay relevant woohoo ._. when all of us disperse, it'll be a new start again and we will have to make new friends. like awwwww, i hate to make new friends, sucks to have so many strangers around me. but then again im a FOTU! friend of the universe lol. :D
would be rather pointless even if we still visit nanhua after next year, cos soon enough all our juniors will forget us, but then again thats not the point. visiting the school again without friends or any person not from your batch would be like totally different for sure. good friends would forget each other, but strangely enough, enemies would soon put their hatred in the past. amazing isnt it, how time can change stuff. time can also make you grow white hair, or make you drop hair, make you have osteoperosis, drop teeth woohoo lol.
ahhhh then 2 years again must go NS. ._. arghh walaoooooooooooooooooooooo. 2 years poof gone ):
ok i suddenly dont have any more mood to continue my rantings. its an immutable fact that o levels are coming. *&^"£%$^"%"_(%*"+_%*^ ahhh i just want time to stop here, or just rewind.
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