2nd august 2008.
i think theres mtv asia awards.
start of singfest, no?
it was a brilliant finish to end what i've gone through for 4 years, not that its all bad. its a 2 feeling thing. im proud and happy to have completed my4 years of NP life, but then again its hard to part from something you've been for such a long time.
kicked off the day by waking up at 5.30. chao smsed me to buy coffee for him -.- reached school around 6.30 to see manylil cadets, some already changed, some going to change. ahhhh i dont know, it just felt good to see everyone like hurrying or 'making an effort' to do something to make sure the ORD was a success. went to play netball a bit with xinzhi's soccer ball, cos the np room was still locked and we couldnt take the ball i put inside np room the previous day to play ): sec4s falled-in at 7.20 and muster parade commenced. the flag didnt drop to the ground like last time, and i guess i did pretty well for the pulling of national flag lol.
yeah man, got my first class drill like finally. i realised, i received the badge with the wrong hand. so when i took a step back to salute miss lim, i simultaneously switched the badge from the right to the left behind my back and i put up my right hand just in time to salute. cool man. grats to everyone who got promoted or got badges.
after that all the sec4s were given time to camwhore. me, kjw, joeshua, chao, nicholas, weiliang, kelvin were trying to take pictures of our heads when put together lol. also went to toilet to CAMWHORE. but of course it was a total failure and everyone was busy doing up their hair cos all of our hair looked funny after when we wear beret. went to solved some audio problem with joeshua and amandatan while the rest continued to take pictures downstairs. i think i totally took pictures with EVERYONE. cool man. everyone was going everywhere to ask anyone to take pics. power of ord lol. even the guys were enjoying themselves.
after that we took a lift up to the auditorium. sec3s adopted a haunted auditorium approach to welcome us. we went in in groups of 5, joeshua,kelvinteo,nicholas,kjw and me being the first 5. cool. aww kelvin push nicholas and he tripped a bit :D performances by the sec 1s and 2s werent bad, but i was hoping there would be some skits. normally the skits are the most interesting ones, cos they can really make people laugh. all the performances were either sing or dance or both. oh well ):. remember last time kjw's group skit performance. super slack, he was acting as a prop, A LIGHTHOUSE -.- holding the torchlight and rotating it about a central axie for like err 4-5 mins? S-L-A-C-K. sec3s gave their performance of 'seasons in the sun'. climax was defintely the sec4s performance i guess, especially zhaomings! ji ba ban! lol funny. had to call them back from pandian's physics ): but anyway zhaoming didnt play with the mike stand he requested, would be more interesting if he did. gave my speech, hahahaha. kjw said i stood until dam zhuai when i was giving my speech, but i felt i was merely resting my hand on the thingy la D: video montage by sir edwin was good,wonderful, BEST! haha he dam good la every year make montage for that batch. awww ):
so later we proceeded on to outside np room after the whole concert part. took more pictures! :D omg im so proud of myself for being so camwhoric LOL. walao kjw got 5 megapixel camphone, i think he took like 30 pictures la, jealous ): had some cool buffet thingy. heard the sec3s spent like $800+? kewl. hahaha. the lychee drink was nicenicenice, something different from the usual fruit punch i had for 3 years lol. ate and ate, and i got a uber small piece of cake dammit.
after lunch was photo taking session, again. ._. ok la basically, ALL the sec4s were going round taking pictures when they have nothing to do, including nicholas. yingying's camera was cool, she could take picture in less than 2 s. its like 'BRYAN PAI ZAO' *runs to me and holds up camera*. then almost immediately *snap*. damn cool D: i seriously wanna change phone, although i only had it for 7 months.it restarts on its own la wth o.o
unit photo taking session took rather long cos the sec3s had trouble arranging the unit. so the sec4s were already arranged according to height due to our 1337 h4x sizing drills imba speedness. so under ma'am fiona's instructions we were supposed to go there and pressure them to show them how long they took lol.
POP! passing out parade. waihong made a minor mistake, but oh well its really veh minor. best unit cade male: nicholas. totally rocking awesome. he got unstoppable killing spree lol. he has EVERYTHING that you can get in np, how cool is that. BUC for girls was huijuan. cool! 2 peitong-ians get BUC leh. primary school of leaders lol. so after keluar baris, we threw our berets! no la some threw, but is not those throw really high ones, just throw up a bit nia lol.
after that got the squad to fall in at np room to settle some charity donation stuff, and i gave my last 2 commands to my squad and that was it. we have officially stepped down from all our duties. sadded, but then we went to take more pictures! lol.
got changed and played a bit of netball and soccer with mr chew and mr tay! miss lim also played a bti of soccer lmao. funny funny. after that sec4 squad ended up playing captains ball. boys vs girls. dumb :D lol. i didnt even do anything at all la, was sitting down on the captain's table, cos we were using table not chair playing my handphone lol.
went on to jec to have dinner. had just a simple meal of chicken rice but the uncle took really long to serve my plate, like 10 mins i think o.o so i just stood there like a dumb fool for 10mins. hweenmin and siyi came to entertain me with lame jokes though ._. so because there were 21 of us and we were sitting seperately, my table consisted of kjw, joeshua, chao and me. we were done rather fast and we spent most of the time stoning, playing psp, sleeping, while kjw played with his WiFi thingy. was at the food court from like 4.30 to 6, before heading down to IMM.
i just realised IMM's a cool place. i think it just got renovated or what, cos the place outside daiso was some furniture section. we settled down at some kiddy place with playgrounds and water playing areas. looks like something out from vivo o.o played some funny games while chatting, like murderer. went to buy jollibean with nicholas cos i was uber thirsty. damn its $1.60 for a cup ):
stayed on until like 8.30 then we seperated and headed home. me, weiliang,nicholas,kjw,sir edwin, huijuan 105ed home :D was a rather bumpy ride, whats happening to bus drivers nowadays ): blogged until i fell asleep and im wrapping it up here today.
its kinda repititve, but ORD '08 was a really wonderful part of my life which i would remember for a very very long time.
just wanna say a special thank you for my wonderful sec4 squad for being so gl, fun, xialan, crazy, retarded, noisy, rebellious yet passionate bunch. although you didnt give me anything ( walao *&%"£%$" ), i really did apprieciate everyone's presence yesterday, and the present you guys gave to me could never be better. that passion that i see in you guys, even though its the last day. like ma'am fiona said, we're her favourite bunch of ncos ever since she was a ci, i guess we must really be something :D. Would still go back every friday though, cos it really doesnt take up much time.
With that, i mark the end of my life as an NCO of Nan Hua's National Police Cadet Corp.Pictures up next time after i leeched from other people.
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