yes its time to clean off dust from my bloggie :D btw the top aint a cny pic :o its just to show the festive mood lol
Happy Chinese New Year (:
so lotsa stuff goin on in schol recently shant state all, but will just mention the bigger, main stuff i guess.
so it's the time of the ear again where we buy new clothes and stuff, and eat bakhwa until our throats become like hoarse siren screams. ok maybe thats not the term to use, but yeah the idea is there. didnt really buy any new chinese new year clothes, main thing is because im too lazy to go anywhere to find clothes. so i just bought a pair of jeans.
celebrations in school were rather different this year. kicked off the day with me being the parade commander for flag raising. then each class got to have their own time of 1 hour to well, just fool around. like arthur kok says we shouldnt use the term fool around, but hey this aint a compo man :D so our class played netball, was a rather pointless game cos it was like 30+ people playing but just played on lol. lost like crap :D so went over to the hall for the celebrations. performances this year werent really that good as the previous 3 years but it was a good effort though. was surprised at the winner of nanhua idol. not that he cant sing but i didnt even know there was such a person in nanhua. haha harp's performance was dam funny. the curtains were semi-closing halfway into their performance then they just played on like no one's business. then there was this person dam slack, ws just like hitting bells against each other to produce the 'ding' sound -.- lol. then dance. haha same ba, but the lion dance so weird lol. no drums, the lions were dancing to some tunes.
then later on went vivo to supposedly catch a movie but in the end didnt. ended up tagging along xinyun and rachel for shopping o_0. then me junwee yonglak got chased out of arcade cause we were wearing school pants D: went home around 4.30 then left house at 5 for reunion dinner at grandmother's house at hougang. frigging far away. waited for like 25 mins just for the bus to come, like wtf -.- so came home around 9.30.
soooo woke up this morning. MAPLED lol. then left house around 10.30 for hougang. AGAIN. -.- so at least i didnt wait for 25 mins for the bus so that aint so bad. chit chatted,ate, stared at people gambling cos i wasnt allowed to gameble -.-, looted $4 out of the $20 my uncle gave me after gambling the nleft to my mum's side. AT BEDOK. dam man all my relative stay on the north-eastern side of singapore -.- so mrt-ed back reach home at 9.15. bathed and here i am.
so next big thing i guess is common test. studied abit already. and i mean abit lol. but its liek 2 weeks away. think i shold have enough time to study plus slack. and campcraft com's coming up D: at least they pushed the date to 23rd so its gooood :D time's really passing fast nowadays i guess, like zoom the first week of feb is gonna be overrrrr ):. which means imma growin olderrrrr booo D:
booo D:
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