so this is my first post after school started.forgot so much about what happened the past week, so this post would be prety incomplete, but i'll still try to review what i've been doin for the past week.
so the teachers for this year is 1337 man. all hods except for mdm foo, but at least shes super experienced considering that she has taught for so many years. gotta work hard for o lvls, with so many godly teachers in our class, if my L1R5 for o lvls more than 13 i think i can go jump :X
okayyyy and last saturday's ATF/HRC(adventure training facilities/high ropes challenge i think ) was uber fun. went to pulau ubin. did singapore's highest flying fox, advanced rope course, a uber dark tunnel , dangledual and some pemberpole.
dangledual i did with joeshua, supposed to work as a team and help each other climb like 10 m above ground. the poles were somrthing like that:
the poles between each level got higher and higher as we went. both of us nearly went to the top. we stopped at the 2nd highest one cos the pole was above my chest which is really (*&^&^$%%$£$^(*. flying fox was super adrenalin-rush thingyor whatever you call it.
shall sotp here and continue next time.im sleepy >_>. oh yeah i also got a new phone :D
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