friday and saturday's oc camp was funfunfun, at least to me it is.
went bowling with the sec3s and klin,jack,sally,chao came to join me junwee, joeshua and amandaang. yessss my all time high score of 138 cos of tychoness.
reached school after kfc at 6.40. saw those sec1s running around when they were having dinner. after dinner it was some indoor campfire for them, while the the sec4s, including all the night sentry people were asked to help out in da haunted house. went through a trial run,its not that scary la, i think ncc one and npcc one scarier :D so i was attached to some 104 group of 10 with elena. i tell one ghost story i know from np then they so scared le D: not fun. then some guy started a convesation with me on uniform groups and somehow he asked ' what do you think of the singapore government's defence force?' then i was like o_0.
kids are gettin weird these days, so young ask about weapons -.-
so around 11.40 my group left the hall for their HAUNTED HOUSE. somehow they were dam scared about the stations la >_>. cos i told them i couldnt see anything when i could see our nanhua students acting as ghosts lol. ultimate scamzz.then yuhan was acting as some random ghost, then when i wanted to get out of somewhere i saw one ghost in front of me going ' HO HO HO HO' then i was o_0, then i OH yuhan lol, cos like sec2s called me ho -.- so after their hauntedhouse, i joined them for supper and then went back to my np folks. me junwee joeshua hanged aroudn the part of the canteen which was nearer to the parade square cos we were chargin our phones lol. joined johnny in lying down on the parade square. good place to sleep in, uber breezy. realised how much stress he had lol. so slacked around until 1.40. started sentry duty. first it was junwee joeshua,hweemin and chuhui, then me huijuan yingying amandaang junwee joeshua and timotheus lol. the 6 ppl one only did for half an hour cos ncc took over at 4. did a math while it wasnt my turn to do sentry and completed it.
then around 4 me junwee kelvin nicholas timotheus were doing pumping at basketball court. timotheus dragged a bench and slept at the bball court while we continued to do. completed 50 like finally :X then slept at basketball court with kelvin and nicholas. went back np room afterwards and around 5.50 when i woke up then went to laze around outside np room.
the sec1s were super kiasu, they woke upa around 6.30-6.40 when their waking up time was 7. went to play basketball since they all woke up, but i realised i couldnt shoot balls, cos my arms were practically dangling from my body and i had no strength to shoot the ball. my 3 point shot barely passed the 2 point line o_0 so i subbed out and keith kok replaced me lolz.
joined the sec1s for pt after flag raising. actually it was warm up lol, no sets, if not they cannot tahan. rofl yishuo joined the np gang for the warm ups. super funny, especially the hip and knee rotations lmao. then breakfast, ate 2 buns with butter inside and a cup of milio. went to try to play basketball for awhile after signing out the np thingy for the councillors but went back to help around 10 at the hall. actually the mass dance was fun la lol. i think i even know how to dance abit lol.
so left school around 12, went back home,cant remember whether i ate, slept and went for my bursary thingy. saw lotsa nanhuarians surprisingly, then went back home. slept from 4.30+ 7.45+, dinnered, and went back to sleep around 7.55 and slept till this morning cos i slept for only like 4.30+5.50 during oc :D
hahaha oc so fun not like my batch time D:. got a free tee and a dog tag thingy, co0L lol.