things havent been working out lately after the camp ):
i have nothing to do at home except surf the net with my audioless computer, and play some childish games like maple >_>. so many ups and downs happening lately and all these pressure is cramming small me.
furthermore i wont really have a chance to use the computer as much as now as somehow, my parents find that im using the computer too often. and the excuse is not that i play too much just that i dont really know how to manage my time. and its like wtf, if i were to really choinged and complete my homework all at one shot, wouldnt i be playing computer after all those?
its like they dont even get me stuff to do at home. and when i complain im bored they just tell me to do more housework/read books/do assessment blahblablah, the usual. somehow i really wished it wasnt npcc break now. i rather have many boring programmes lined up for me in school rather than stay at home and rot away. school's so much more fun than staying at home. at least i have crazy friends to chit chat with me or at least i get some entertainment, unlike the boring house. no ps,no xbox, no handphone to play around with, no basketball cos if i were to buy another one i would have to pay myself.
which reminds me, i think my pocket money is going to be cut down.way down. cos my mum as usual keeps complaing that i save up money to buy this buy that, all the stuff she deems meaningless and uneccesary. the hell, its because i wanna buy stuffs that are 'neccesary' like a basketball so i keep saving. if dont want me to save, then jolly well get me a basketball -.-.
on a happier note, 205's chalet is in 8 days time in case you people didnt know. shall take this chance to advertise/announce abit. The chalet would be at 2 places, first night at the place same as last year and the 2nd night at some bigger cooler place that mr ng booked for us. do drop me a mail/msn me/ or tag if you guys happen to have something on on that day.
and also party and klinsen'son the 24th december a.k.a christmas eve. not sure whether i can make it but shall take this oppurtunity to advertise about this too.
last but not least a few camp pics i kopped.

seriously people, aint my group cute (: crayon shinchan! rofl.
ok i have really no idea whos the jumping dude on my right >_>
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