Friday, December 07, 2007

bands concert was yesterday :o.

anyway met kailun,weiliat eddie at clementi mrt then went to IRc at bukit timah plaza to play lan. played for like 2 and a half hours. $2 for 1 hour not bad, with good aircon and good environment, at most got some other teenagers scolding vulgarities at the com opposite you which totally lowers the rating of the lan shop. but not bad. just that small parts of the keyboard/mouse buttons are kinda spoilt or not there at all

played wc maps , counterstrike. counterstrike is totally not my game. totally got pwnt like shit by jack and the others >_>. dota was much better :D. played pyramid escape too. lol klinsen and jack super hot lol when they play the game. cos we were like having no teamwork at all.

lunch at klinsen's uncle shop at coronation plaza :o totally rocks. barbecue sauce makes the already good enough $3 mixed set even better lol. fried chicken,fries, flavoured rice and fish. only bad part is the fish cos its too hard but its $3 dammit. where can you find a 43 mixed set in food court. i bet you it'll at least cost 5 bucks.

after that went queensway. walked aroudn to look for shoes as again while kailun went to search for a new pair of soccer shoes. after that we found a not-so-modern arcade but we had fun like you'll nvr find in modern tapz arcades, cos weiliat spent like more than $10 i think on this gambling machine. put in a coin, and theres a certain success rate more coins would drop out.







yea the usual phrases of gambling you'll hear at a casino. 205 guys should never go casinoes, especially weiliat -.-

so me,weiliat,chaohsien,jerome,jack,eddie,klinsenkailun headed off towards school through 197. i think band's concert was pretty much a success? think it was quite a huge crowd. at least to me it is. yijo joined us before the performance start. ok i admit some of the pieces played was quite sleepy but on the whole its nice la, as in to a person who doesnt know how to judge music readily, for example a person like me (:. elena had this cool old nan hua patch thingy on her uniform la. heard it was passed down from generation to generation. its like freaking cool. np dont have any of such stuff la lol. lousy lol. which reminds me mr adrian tan say npcc>ncc rofl. and that makes yijo super emo XD. oh yea was surprised that almost everyoen dressed apprioprately

depends la sometimes i feel npcc < ncc. ANWYAY, after the concert like 9.10 205 guys went to play soccer/basketball at the dark dark basketball court. played until 10 then left school to go 7-11 to buy cup noodles for dinner/supper. then took 184 from central to my house lol. cos from mrt to my house very little lights i hum lololol.

this post isnt done very well, cos im in the i-dont-want-to-blog-but-i-wish-to-write-something mood. :o


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