had campcraft training today.
gosh i think im really getting tired of my life nowadays. my home is boring, sometimes i dont know what to do when i go out, np's boring >_>.
went to school at 7.30 like that to train for the campcraft competition coming up next year. did lashings, did up a flagstaff and went to macs to eat. heard the new posting is up, pretty nervous to see what new post i'll get or would i remain the same post throughout my NCO-hood :X i really wanna change my posting somehow >_>.
anyway went vivo with klin chao sally for no apperent reason, think it was a way of us to get away from home. walked around the not-so-suitable-shops for teenagers like us and went to pet safari too.
lol pet safari is a weird place. i mean i thought it's a pet shop, not a pet accessory shop :X then its like they only sold a few dogs, hamsters and rabbits and no cats :o.
ok maybe its just me :o
ok lotsa stuff coming up in the beginning of next year. promo test, campcraft com, more homework, more np and i guess there'll be even more extra, not so important obstacles that are gonna screw my life up.
but i guess i'll be ready to withstand all this pressure and get ready for my o-lvls >D
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