Friday, December 14, 2007

back from chalet. shall do an average length post :o

met the guys in the morning at clementi mrt and then trained to pasir ris. waited for the rest of the guys before heading off to costa sands pasir ris to check in :o.

checked in, realised 301 was also having class chalet on the same dates as us. went in to the unsuprisingly small room and kailun and ed immediately set up the xbox and ps2. rest of the guys went to cheers to get drinks for the rest of the day.
played ps till 7 and chao/sally came to join us then we set off to the food court for dinner. $3.50 for chicken rice T.T scam money. went to play arcade daytona/drums and time crisis :D. taken a new interest in drums, but dont think i would be committed enough to go for drum lessons, so i just play for fun :o. daytona sucked that day cos somehow i consistently didnt get 1st ):. after arcade went back to the chalet about 9.
went back to downtown east around like 15 mins later cos kelvin and weiliat( after swimming with zhipeng and john -.-) and yijo wanted to go cheers. bought my 1.5L zapple and then we walked around downtown east. saw 301 peeps. went back played even more ps. got pwned by sally ): then around 12 presley and roro came back from movies and shortly after around 1 the people on the 2nd floor slept.

then left me jerome kelvin kailun eddie and weiliat on the first floor. we played till like 3 am then somehow we decided to sleep. we off-ed the lights but made noise till about like 3.30 singing campfire songs XD and also other random songs. then around 3.40 we decided to watch transformers. watched for like until 5.30 then decided to switch off da xbox cos only left me and jerome watching -.-

semi-slept until like 7, we headed to downtown for breakfast. ordered the $2 meal cos i was broke. went back to the chalet, packed and we went to white sands to wait for the rest of our classmates. took pictures on stage with the rudolf actor on stage rofl. dam funny. the emcee was like saying grown-ups wanna take pictures with the rudolf. then super gl la. one whole big group of teens go up stage take pictures with a kiddy show charac. also saw some sjab people.

oh but before that went up arcade to burn more money :o played more daytona. owned (: also played time crisis 4. realised time crisis 4 came out on ps 3 wth >_>. circulated my tapz around the people who didnt have one. im so kind lawl.

waited at pasir ris mrt for until like 3 for mr ng and he finally came. chaohsien came 15-20 mins later, and we hijacked the 3.20 bus to aloha changi, cos the whole bus was filled with us only. reached aloha loyang. place was quite ulu and the place there super cheap. $50 for the super uber big bungalow. went to rent bikes with chao,kelvin,jiayu,yijo,jasline and klinsaon at MR.BIKES. cool name lol. $8 for overnight rental which is also super cheap. cycled back, and joined in to help the barbecue while the rest of the guys went to play soccer.
the guys came back around 8.15 , but even after the help of our next door neighbour who were people from bowen sec we couldnt even maintain/start a fire. so we decided to cook them lol. we fried the crabsticks/hotdogs/, steamed the sweet potatoes, fried the already fried rice and also fried the chicken wings. only otahs and satays and stingrays were cooked on our neighbour's bbq pit o_0 then at around 10 i think everyone was playing with the cake mr ng bought, cos we realised it was destroyed at one side on our journey to the chalet. oh yea and presley put a stingray inside the oven for 10 mins -.-. the stingray was rock hard when he took it out. -.-
took pictures then around 10.30 we were doing drills. makign a hell lot of noise doing drills. also super gl. did sizing and learnt how to sing ncc songs. will try to get the vid/pics lol. then after that the rest left on elena's/mr foo's car. when mr foo came everyone was like ooooohhhhh ( in the negative tone) lololol. cake which was specially reserved for mr foo was dropped by kelvin/roanna somehow -.-. when the people who were not staying overnight left, the rest of the 11 of us cleared up the chalet.
we settled down and mr ng taught us how to play bridge. took me quite awhile to get it. then we played until like 1.45 then the 9 of us set off for night cycling but realised one bike was punctured so we set off to changi village hoping some kind shopkeeper would lend us his bike for awhile. we tried to ask this prta shop uncle but to me i didnt even know whether or not he got what we meant cos his language was really like >_>. so we tried to order stuff to like 'please' him but still no use. we sta down and chit chat until like 3, then weiliat said he didnt feel like cycling so mr ng sacrificed himself to let the rest of us go for cycling T.T
night cycling was dam fun. we cycled for around like 6.6km before heading back to the chalet. by the time we went back was around 4.30, actually wanted to go to the haunted changi hospital but they kept dragging on and on so me kailun kelvin went to sleep first. but we slept all the way till like 7.30 and around 8 we were packing up the whole chalet. mr ng presley and roanna had already left cos they had to return to school.
checked out, returned the bikes and then realised there was a huge cut according to the shopkeeper of the bikes and i paid the $10 first then the rest returned me money at white sands. we played 1 last roudn of daytona and we headed back home.
reached home around like1, slept until 7.30.onlined until 11,slept and posted today (:


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