Wednesday, November 07, 2007

woo ytd went klinsaon's house.

went to clementi mrt. saw zhipeng sitting on the steps playing his psp so went to check out the store at the mrt whether they have any new magic products, but no ):

later on eddie,kailun came from eddie's house and we went back to the store cos kailun wanted to buy maple prepaid :o andand i should really go sell my yugioh cards. kailun traded 10 of his duel master cards for 3 prepaid and he bought one so that means he earned $21.40, since 1 prepaid costs $10.70 after the gst hike -.-

so went off to klin house so yea played playstation as again. played gundamz. we chose all those lousy mobiles and it was dam funny la, cos although the mobiles were lousy, the lousier ones tend to have higher hp than the more power-offensive ones. so must hit the mobile alot of times before killing each other off.then played DBZ. phooo dragonball z so fun. thsi game the hp bar also very long so gotta do alot of finishing move at each other before we could kill each other. hmmm then later played winning 11 then i went to play eddie's psp. went home around 6.

today! woke up at 8. mapled for 45 mins. trained kailun's maple for like 45 mins then went off to school for camp meeting. after camp meeting, continued to stay on at school to play around. wooo i taught chaypioh how to play tong hua on piano rofl. i got music talent XD. and then after that nicholas,kelvintay and kelvinteo,junwee,yanting,huijuan went behidn classroom block to do drills -.- lifeless people >_> then after ncc finished, took their basketball to play basketball while chaypioh went off to crosscountry. then played basketball until like 5 then went home on 96 :o



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