phew finally uploaded all the grad night photos that i have. didnt upload some cos they were really blur.thanks chao for the cam :D
so grad night finally passed( 4 days ago), was at chalet so didnt had a chance to blog about it. rather fast, remembered last time sec1 i was like thinking aiyah prom night so far away, dont need to worry about it.but poof that fateful day came.
kinda cool to see everyone dress up so nicely. the ambience was kinda ok? at least the lights didnt make me sleep and all, cos normally the lightings in the hotel is like semi-dim then i'll have the tendancy to become drowsy.or maybe its because this time im in a hotel with a different group of peepo.and yay i won some $20 sportslink voucher from the lucky draw
food was ok to me, i didnt really expect much with $70.also, did a recce with ying,nich,kjw 2 days before the event? so yeah, pretty much met my standards lololol. i think the most boring part of the whole thing was the emcees. seriously, they just bore me, one of the worse i've seen. this is not a flame, its just a suggestive feedback :D. at least there was no loud DA JIA HAO which i've gotten sick of listening for the past 4 years. but come to think of it, i dont think i'll be hearing it ever again D:
basically, all the guys looked the same, since guys cannot put makeup( they can but that'll be just gay), cannot like suddenly style our hair into some omfgwhoisthat hairstyle and i think theres a basic formal dress code which all guys share, e.g. long sleeved shirts. some people were so different that i really couldnt recognise them, but some people remained the same and i could spot them across the room.
nothing much to talk about really, cos all prom nights are the same i guess. spam photos phoooo. think they're arrange in chronological order.
FOO FIGHTER.i miss his satays he cooked 2 years back.
Mr Wee! hahaha will miss his lame jokes
Weijian! No more fun NP parades with him lolol
Timotheus! 1v1 :D
Weiming! Slut, i took like 8 photos with him i think more than half with him D:
Group photo ;o
CHOWLER! sian la no more gossip/scolding/rebutal sessions with him D:
YISHUO! cosplay ftw. i insisted on him showing the rings lol
Chowler and Shaoan! He still owe me my wc disc >:o
Mdm Yong!i think she was the most glam teacher that day rofl.
Amanda Ang!
Xinyun! I bet she had a fun time sitting next to me. muah ha ha
12 years, 6 years, 8 years!
Eugene,Sally, Isabell,JingJing!
Chaypioh and KJW!
William! ok this photo looks gay, i dont know why.
RACHEL! didnt go grad night shopping together D:
Chowler and Shaoan!
woah i like this pic :D
MCB plus Mdm Yong!
Beatrice and Peijun!
A.K! I will reach your level( which isnt veh high :D) someday muah ha ha
Zhaoming! wahaha ji ba ban
Yuxuan! i know you must be feeling veh cold that day. ask me why ask me why :D
Alice! hahaha gangster :D
Nicky! i felt that his suit was very cute and new,to me la at least.

Zhiqing! Prom queen nominee lololol.
KelvinTay! from fatass to buffed king.
NHNP! k la, got people missing. how can nhnp have only 3 guys -.-
Huijuan! 6 years too lol.
Jasmin and Sharon! 8 years siazz :D
Maylynn and jasmin!

And finally Zhipeng!!
the exclaimation marks after the names look freaking gay somehow.