argh i wanna get a stupid cam ):
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Sunday, July 27, 2008

the lemon's nice :D
ORD's in a weeks time! if im not wrong, so is SINGFEST D:. chowlers going boohoo. stayed back on friday for night study! good thing is i did the whole section a and b of the chem paper during that time hahaha :D.
touch rugby during pe. so fun. all of us were wearing this' standard-chartered-sponsored' touch rubgy tags, and then gotta pull out these 2 tags from the guy running with da ball. its like damn funny cos you could see like 8 guys chasing down on one guys ass, cos the tags were supposed to be dangling at the back. kjw was liek spinning and spinning and spinning while running to avoid his ass being aimed lol.
after school went to gym for exercise :D. then borrowed pe room key to play badminton. i was like a mini pe teacher la, cos gym key and pe room key. I WAS UNSTOPPABLE WAHAHAHAHHA. ok lame.
shall stop here due to my laziness :D promise to do a decent post next week though.
pardon me but i think the class video's going to be terrible.just my opinion. flame me if you dont like it (:
Sunday, July 20, 2008
what should i write? stayed back on friday to play around while np went out for service day. ORD's like 13 days away? aw so sad ):. really nothing much to write, guess i'll be staying back for tomorrow's night study.
Saturday, July 12, 2008

突然有个要用华语来blog的感觉,不知为什么。知道我华语烂得要命,尽管笑我的错字或古古怪怪的language吧。连language 我也不知道叫什么,天啊 o.o是不是叫语文?
一个星期多没blog 了,不知写下什么,每天都是一样,上学,下课,回家,做功课,看电视,偶尔开电脑上msn。我的生活就是那么无聊的,不像韩国节目有这么drama的。
已经过了差不多4分钟了,我打字的速度超慢 -.-昨天放学后留下来看npcc和找东西玩。这句听起来怪怪的 ._.做了一点数学,刚才也做了一些,想待会儿应该能够完成吧。Mr teoh那天没来,给了我们三个revision exercise 来做,简直是有一点儿太多了吧。做了我看是四题左右,觉得sian掉了,便去看那些中一s和中二s。找不到中二,也找不到中一的,因为他们好像一直跑来跑去的,懒得跟在他门后面。年纪老了,跑了一点儿就会觉得累 :D
ncc他们ord了,过了不久,也将会是轮到我们。时间过得真快,一转眼,就要离开了。听起来好像是我要死了。他们的ord是超酷的,想那些观众也觉得一样。Yishuo太紧张了,忘记report.lololol.但是看了一半我觉得有一点闷了,所以找了别的事做,像跟chaohsien买水。Chaohsien也带了一个照相机,真巧,所以他拍了不少照片。到了结尾,sec4 squad 就唱了他们的ncc主打歌。Np也有一首相似的个,但是我总觉得他们的比我门的棒多了。
和你门分享mr teoh帮我们derive 的 work done = change in kinetic energy.
一个星期多没blog 了,不知写下什么,每天都是一样,上学,下课,回家,做功课,看电视,偶尔开电脑上msn。我的生活就是那么无聊的,不像韩国节目有这么drama的。
已经过了差不多4分钟了,我打字的速度超慢 -.-昨天放学后留下来看npcc和找东西玩。这句听起来怪怪的 ._.做了一点数学,刚才也做了一些,想待会儿应该能够完成吧。Mr teoh那天没来,给了我们三个revision exercise 来做,简直是有一点儿太多了吧。做了我看是四题左右,觉得sian掉了,便去看那些中一s和中二s。找不到中二,也找不到中一的,因为他们好像一直跑来跑去的,懒得跟在他门后面。年纪老了,跑了一点儿就会觉得累 :D
ncc他们ord了,过了不久,也将会是轮到我们。时间过得真快,一转眼,就要离开了。听起来好像是我要死了。他们的ord是超酷的,想那些观众也觉得一样。Yishuo太紧张了,忘记report.lololol.但是看了一半我觉得有一点闷了,所以找了别的事做,像跟chaohsien买水。Chaohsien也带了一个照相机,真巧,所以他拍了不少照片。到了结尾,sec4 squad 就唱了他们的ncc主打歌。Np也有一首相似的个,但是我总觉得他们的比我门的棒多了。
和你门分享mr teoh帮我们derive 的 work done = change in kinetic energy.
as we know a=dv/dt
F=m (dv/dt)= m(dv/dx . dx/dt) =>chain rule of differentiation
since velocity v= dv/dx where x is time,
F=mv . dv/dx
F dx= mv dv
integration of F w.r.t x with upper limit 1 and lower limit 0= integration of mv w.r.t v with upper limit 1 and lower limit 0.
[Fx] = [ 1/ ]
Fx - Fx = 1/2mv - 1/2mv
let 2 x's in Fx1-Fx0 = x
Fx= 1/2mv - 1/2mv
thus, work done=change in kinetic energy.
Wednesday, July 02, 2008
shall post the many lame pictures i took during the bbq at jingyew's, but i dont have any pictures taken DURING the bbq, only before and after lololol.
omd captain on his field lol. >D

the top has a retaurant, pet shop, provision store and something else. bottom's our function room, 2nd floor's the swimming pool.
AAHAHAHA ZISHUO. dam funny, only non 404-er at the bbq lol.
swimming pool!

this is a really freaking long road, no kidding. leads directly to our function room though. the terraces at the bottom is still within the premises of jingyew's house too.
lol zishuo's house at the background.
the blocks in the background are still within premises o.o
the long road i was referring to
been long since i played this lolol

this caught my eye while we were heading home. i thought it was kame kame ha rise, some dragonball thingy LOL.
whee so many lame pics >). today arthur kok gave a cool speech, ending with 'the world sits up when nan hua speaks'.