Saturday, June 28, 2008

realised theres this rose colection thingy in deviantart. pretty nice. so after a long crazy week in school, the weekends are finally here :o
turns out the road toward o levels is gonna be a super busy one ): common tests coming in 1 months time, as i predicted. wooo im psychic lol. finally completed the 2 chinese letters that were given in the last week of the holidays, still got one more compo, fed up ._. guess i'll do it tomorrow.
went back to np yesterday to play around with amanda and joeshua, nicholas went back after awhile then joeshua's mum came to pick him up.sec1s so cute lol play funny games then get so high. chukien @_@ lololol. joven, siangyu and jerald came back after their land division trip thingy to the clementi police hq so after the parade went to have dinner with them. junwee joined us after bowling with cherngyew and cutting his hair :D turns out my parents were at sumo house, but by the time we reached there they were gone hahahaha, then went to eat kfc. ate then chit chatted for awhile then left around 8 i think, cos my watch buckle was spoilt and then i put it in my bag.
walked home (duh) while joven,siangyu,jerald,yuhan and jermaine went to take mrt.hahaha so good when you stay near the school :D lol.
yay now got photoshop to play. thanks sirui :D lol
Saturday, June 21, 2008
i have nothing to do so i'll just post this quiz i found on yuhan's blog.think its on someone elses blog too.
Use the first letter of your first name to answer each of the following. They have to be real places, names, things - nothing made up. You cannot use your own name for the boy/girl names.
1. What is your name?
Bryan -.-
2. A 4-letter word:
bore lol ._.
3. A vehicle:
4. A boy's name:
5. A girl's name:
Briyanna lol. there is such a name.
6. An occupation:
Basketball player
7. Something you wear:
i dono i cant think of any B. how about a black shirt.
8. A Celebrity:
Beckham? lol.
9. Something found in a bathroom:
Bathing foam.
10. Reasong for being late:
Bus broke down
11. Something you shout:
Baka ;o
12. A Body part:
Brain. dont think horny :(
13. Word(s) to describe yourself:
Boring,bothersome,bonkers lol. im just me, how i describe myself is the way people see and interact with me, so the word to describe myself is just 'Bryan'.
Use the first letter of your first name to answer each of the following. They have to be real places, names, things - nothing made up. You cannot use your own name for the boy/girl names.
1. What is your name?
Bryan -.-
2. A 4-letter word:
bore lol ._.
3. A vehicle:
4. A boy's name:
5. A girl's name:
Briyanna lol. there is such a name.
6. An occupation:
Basketball player
7. Something you wear:
i dono i cant think of any B. how about a black shirt.
8. A Celebrity:
Beckham? lol.
9. Something found in a bathroom:
Bathing foam.
10. Reasong for being late:
Bus broke down
11. Something you shout:
Baka ;o
12. A Body part:
Brain. dont think horny :(
13. Word(s) to describe yourself:

went back to school on monday to play soccer with 205 people, but ended up playing netball for half the time with the soccer ball lol.played from around 8+ to around 12 then headed to JEC for lunch. wanted to try something different in the food court, some korean cold noodles. the noodles were being handled by the storekeeper's bare hands la, like wtf dirty, then the noodles were so un-chewable, i gave up eating half the bowl when my spoon dropped into the soup lol. wasted 6 bucks on that thing ):
went shao an's house on monday to do some homework, and only did a bit as expected. did 1 of the 2 questions from the mye, then went to play other stuff like the guitar or watch tv. was raining when we left the house and they were wet when they reached the bus stop, except me cos i had an umbrella :P then went to JEC to play arcade. wanted to go mount faber safra to play pool with chao, but they changed their mind because it was pretty late already, like 3+ and shaoan had to be home by 6. played daytona for the first time in the whole holiday ): should have played more. saw this imba guy playing the basketball game with both his hands. then there was this big crowd gathered behind him all watching with amazement :o. later on xavier gedion/gideon, songming came to find us at the pool there. i didnt even know such a place existed in JEC, cos i thought the place opposite the ice skating ring was just kbox. turns out theres a lan there as well. yay got my $2 back then went to arcade again cos they wanted to play. then when they were playing basketball there was this small kid like p1? keep kopping xavier and gedion/gideon's basketball then gedion/gideon was so pissed he went to box the kid out. lol sadded. the kid still came back though lol. then the daytona was like dominated by small kids la, like wth are these kids doing in arcade. they should be reading storybook and stuff. lol. went home around 6.
yesterday was np new postings and class bbq at jingyew's house. went to school like around 8.40 and was surprised to find the NP room already opened. so freaking early la ._. s went up to the MRL above the library to find out the new postings. hahaha some of the postings so random, but then again hope all the Sec3s will enjoy their new postings. grats to ________ to chairman lol. dont think i can type out :o if not CIs will kill me.so the sec3s went around to discuss with the
present NCO squad on what they should do/improve on the parades. after that waited for chao to finish his physics, but in the end he didnt wanna go lunch with us. so junwee me joeshua and amandatan went for lunch at sumohouse, while nicholas left to go home to bathe, cos he was meeting dezhan and gang ealier to buy food. lunched,chatted,gossiped, and the tenzaru soba tasted weird la, i think they gave me some overnight noodles or something. went to
took many pics of jingyew's RidgeWood cos i felt that it was a freaking big place. shall post some other time after i've gotten photoshop from sirui :D. the place has everything la, pet clinic,retuarant, its own minimart,meeting room,function room, terrace houses, HDB-type buildings, condo-type buildings, many many guard houses. many carparks, swimming pool, tennis court, billard rooms, 2 playgrounds, i think 3 multi storey caparks,gym, 1 and a half basketball court lol. SO FREAKING AWESOME. but the nearest provision place is the cold storage near holland V, not in holland V, NEAR. so yea its pretty far. sadded. went to play basketball at the court. the rest of the class was supposed to meet at 3, but turns out at 4+ they still havent reach ._. so after they arrived, chowler and me went to the function room and checked out the billard room and our classmates were already there. it was totally what i've not expected. it was smelly, stuffy, and SMALL. only 1 table la wth lol. after being in the room for a long time and you step out, it feels like you've just been out to an air con room.
so played pool for awhile then went to the bbq. function room has this slope like thingy at the end of the room, wonder whats it for. had fu ncooking stuff, and the smoke from our bbq pit clouded the whole tennis court and the nearby apartments. really sad for them. must be because our source of heat not only has charcoal, but also lots of tissue paper, alot of butter, a few sliced hot dogs, crabsticks? and also satay sticks lol. we just threw whatever that was flammable inside. :D. half the class left first leaving behind around 10 of us and we left shortly after. my legs were tired from all that standing. so i sat down while the rest of them chatted and a few of them cleared the pit. dezhan was playing daidi or dono what card game for like 3-4 hours straight. wtf lol ._.
left around 10.45-11, realised my mum called jw's mum, argh kiasu -.- bused home with 7. before we reached the bus stop, we walked past some bungalow with a personal guard house outside of RidgeWood, and i really think the house belongs to some minister. reached home, fixed some stupid scanner problem for sis, and S-L-E-P-T.
yay a decent post finally.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
ahhh i just got dced from inhouse T.T stupid com keep failing me. I WANNA BUY A PERSONAL LAPTOP T.T decided to post some old old pictures. those 3 school pics taken during the NP The Hunt'08 lol. tsk tsk :P ok la its bad dont learn from me, but i guess i wont get a chance to do it again cos there wont be anymore parades for me ):

ok this one taken during thebio skill 3 spa lol. the one where you experiment different test on the potato chip and the marble cake. i have no idea why i took this pic though ._.
Mr Admin! lol. drew this around the admin word during one of the planning parades cos i was too bored. guessed they erased it away anyway D: boohoo lol.

no idea when i took these 2 pics though, i think around march holidays? lol. think had campcraft com that day, not sure though.
Sunday, June 15, 2008

excerpt from the last few paragrahs of eclipse.
Come home when you can.
The words were faint, trailing off into blank emptiness as he left,too.And I was alone.So much better.Now I could hear the faint rustle of the matted leaves beneath my toenails, the whisper of an owl's wings above me, the ocean - far,far in the west - moaning against the beach.Hear this, and nothing more.Feel nothing but speed, nothing but the pull of muscle,sinew, and bone, working together in harmony as the miles disappeared behind me.
If the silence in my head lasted, I would never go back.I wouldn't be the first one to choose this form over he other.Maybe, if I ran far enough away, I would never have to hear again...
I pushed my legs faster, letting Jacob Black disappear behind me.
was written from this jacob dude's point of view, if only life was so easy, you could just morph into a savage werewolf and run away from life.
Wednesday, June 11, 2008

kungu panda-ed today with weiliat,klin,kailun,yisen and eddie. cool movie. simple storyline which keeps the crowd entertained with super anti-climas dialouges lol. shan't spoiler those wo havent watch, but i think Don't Mess With The Zohan and the Love Guru movie still better lol. those mini trailers at outside the cinema not bad.
heh nothing else i guess. yayee new blogskin lol.i find something's missing though. ;o
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
after a year i still find this video entertaining somehow ._.
changed blogskin after a year or so last night and i've just received an email thats hm, rather meaningful, but its those silly emails which ask you to forward them to other people, where most people would delete without reading anyway. see im nice, i read irritating emails :D
Nobody is perfect until you fall in love with them.
Love starts with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a tear.
Don't cry over anyone who won't cry over you.
do you do when the only person who can make you stop crying is the person who made you cry? If love isn't a game, why are there so many players?
Good friends are hard to find, harder to leave, and impossible to forget.
You can only go as far as you push! Actions speak louder than words.
The hardest thing to do is watch the one you love, love somebody else.
Don't let the past hold you back, you're missing the good stuff.
Life's short. If you don't look around once in a while you might miss it.
A best friend is like a four leaf clover, hard to find and lucky to have.
Some people make the world special by just being in it.
Best friends are the siblings God forgot to give us.
When it hurts to look back, and you're scared to look ahead, you can look beside you and your best friend will be there.
True friendship never ends. Friends are forever.
Good friends are like stars....you don't always see them, but you know they are always there.
Don't frown, you never know who is falling in love with your smile.
Everything is okay in the end. If it's not okay, then it's not the end.
Most people walk in and out of your life, but only friends leave footprints in your heart.
If u love something...let it go. If it comes back to you its yours.... If it doesn't then it never was.
A kiss is just a kiss until u find the one you love.
A hug is just a hug until its from the one ur thinking of.
A dream is just a dream until u make it come true.
Love is just a word until its proven to you.
wow lol.
Friday, June 06, 2008
Sunday, June 01, 2008

saturday's promo test was hm, a mess lol. came for the MOI part after half of chinese. was also late for chinese cos waited for nicholas to get the sec1s on the bus for the swearin in at clementi town. then during the drill badge test so slack.... haiz ): lol. speech giving for the sergeants to staff segearnts was funny. i was falling asleep halfway, even though i was sitting right in front of the ci's table lololol. made funny faces when joeshua giving his speech lol. nice ending to his speech, something like ' even so, he would have overcame the greatest obstacle of all, himself' lol. nice ending seh. dismissal at parade square.
wheee after then went ljs eat. the usual should have gone somewhere else la. long john silvers too ex. furthermore the day before went to ajisen ramen with yuxuan,pokai, chowler and junwee. ouch big hole in my pocket lol. but the food there is nice la, not bad not bad. their ramen is yumyum. cant remember whether i mentioned this is previous post, but what the heck :D
today was the last of all the holiday lessons, or at least i think so. so sad ):. i wanna go to schoooooool lol. school is fun, but then again the basketball court was closed on wednesday. real sad. all the 4 years familiarisation with the court. gone. foreva-eva-eh-eh-eh. lol. never take pictures of the court la. though its lame, but i guess that i would never see the court again until like next year may,if i happen to be back in school :o
dono what else to type. started playing maple private server. no life? maybe (: