blog :o
lol i shall start from speech day which was hmm 3 weeks ago lol ._. hahaha. cant remeber much hmpf, only the bread talk guy giving his speech. nan hua so bad la, he make those jokes then everyone laugh until so sacarstically lol. evil.... and then there was the red blazers *_* outstanding man, like its the only bright coloured blazer among the JCs. so cool D: i'll try
to go there next year, but its like a dream, far far away D: awww so sad man. after that went pizza hut to eat, and obviously theres no student meal at 10+pm so i spent $10+ just for some baked rice thingy lol.
cant really remember much on what happened that, the following monday was the Paper 1 for languages though. already got back the results for those and i did better. 23/30 for my futuristic EL compo lol. i wrote about some guy, who illegally met up with some old man, to get something, which turns out to be a birth cert lol. so basicall its about a guy who lost his memory. maybe next time i'll type it here :D lol. im proud of it ok. (: and i would not like to talk about mid year results cos its really stupid. i think my average like 58+, cant hit 60 o_0 like wtf la below 60 leh, never n my life o_0 and i was like trying to try hit 70 for the first time D: failed chem.terribly.16 mcq wrong.wtf. got 6 wrong in a row also. -.- and YES MY CHINESE COMPO FINALLY GOT MORE THAN 40 WOOTS :D yayay lol, but in the end my total chinese score still 57+ i think :o co i failed my paper 2 with 51.5/110 lol
ahhhh. so during midyears got np day and a math paper 1 and chem paper 2. bw i failed those 2 papers, which shows np day is a curse D: lol jkjk. but sadded man rained on that day, cant have the last np day with honour.... ): it didnt really feel special, sadly no sorrow at all or excitement. i just wanted to like get it over with lol.
after midyear, apart from everyone getting sad over most of their results ( i guess ), i think everyones enjoying themselves partaye..... but this was a rather slwo week though, come to think of it i had mye this week, so the exam period isnt exactly that far behind us. interclasse basketballed with 406.LOST. expected sadly, but at least we only lost by 7 ):.went home,read book for like 5 mins and slept almost immediately after that, so i sorta wasted the whole day.
then last np parade today! hoped everyone enjoyed themselves though, especially the sec4s. happy to see that the attendance was 33/42 though.didnt give anything to them unlike the other squads, but at least i called everyone and every ponner to come to parade,and gladly most of them came. but then again i realised tyt and huijuan called some of them in school while i was having interclass, so yeah, you can say i never do anything la ok lol, but then again what can i do though. give sweets? o_0 nah too childish, i cant expect a bunch of 16 year olds to be chasing me around for sweets lol. so sad man, last parade just woosh. gone. 4 years of effort lol. would elaborate more aftre ORD which would probably be during august, cos last year's was on august 8th, and hopefully i will have some pictures too.
so anyway for today's parade. we had The Hunt'08. named by me ok, sounds cool right? lol. volunteered to be IC cos i wanted to like move around rather than be a station master, and also i think group ics get to interact more with the cadets la, so at least its a hmm, more interactive and sociable kind of thing, which suits me. so watched the cadets do all the tasks and all those, pretty much reminded me of how i once had those days, but during my time didnt have all this la so sad haha, but at least its glad to see others enjoy themselves (: hope the unit spirit would be much better if i happen to go back to one of the parades in future though, i think they kinda enjoyed themselves during the activity la. the pass-the-polo-sweet-thing-with-the-toothpick-in-your-mouth game, the mass skipping game, the squeeze-your-friend-hand- game to pass a number whispered to the first person to the last person, the running scissor paper stone game, the garnisack-hopping while biting lemon game, the join-your-legs together-with twine game, the netball game in which my group completed within 15secs+ because they did a tycho long ranged throw into the hoop and there were 2 more but my group did not manage to do cos of a lack of time. but we got 3rd anyway (: and on a side note, i've started the hobby of reading, believe? lol.
random last part of post. mr kok is cantonese. awesome to find someone so brilliant with same dialect as me. whee lol. so cool man, like im totally encouraged to learn how to speak my own dialect properly, cos he can speak english,chinese, and i guess cantonese smoothly lol. mr teoh is trying to destress his lessons by abit i think. he made fun of dezhan's way of wirint the ~ above the letter of the vector. he said something like what your waist is on your head arh, cos the ~ of the alphabet looks like the belt of the alphabet i guess, then he said what dezhan's alphabet got hair lol. woo woo ._. lol. and then when i went to hand in the a math and e math books, i used the staffroom phone to reach him and he picked up the phone. he answered 'hello' with a tone i totally couldnt recognise lol, those kind of erm like the voice very high yet i-can-control-my-highness voice lol. then mr wee said something about how i should settle down to get better results, and it really did set me thinking. its real cool to have these 3 teachers, really. i think i would be a very very lucky guy to have these 3 guys and brothers lol. all different personalities but still somewhat similar.
one word.brilliant.